Negative effect Air pollution lowers the effectiveness of antibiotics

Negative effect Air pollution lowers the effectiveness of antibiotics / Health News
Black carbon affects bacteria in the human body
The rising air pollution in many countries around the world causes health problems for many people. Those affected become more susceptible to a range of diseases, including heart disease and cancer. However, it seems that there are still unknown effects. Researchers now found that air pollution appears to reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Researchers at the University of Leicester found in their study that global increasing air pollution is reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics. The UK physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Environmental Microbiology".

Air pollution is generally increasing. Of course, this also has negative effects on human health. A recent study has shown that air pollution can negatively affect the effectiveness of antibiotics. (Image: Ralf Geithe /

Increasing air pollution causes reduced effects of antibiotics
A so-called antibiotic is a substance with antimicrobial action. Antibiotics are mostly used as a drug in the treatment of various infectious diseases. In recent decades, however, there have been more and more cases in which bacterial strains no longer respond to antibiotics. The reasons are versatile. The new results suggest that air pollution can negatively impact the effectiveness of antibiotics, say the experts.

How does black carbon affect bacteria in the nose, throat and lungs?
So-called black carbon is considered an important part of global air pollution. The pollutant is produced by burning fossil fuels. These include, for example, diesel and biomass. The current study looked at how air pollution, especially black carbon, affects bacteria in the human body. It was about bacteria, which occur specifically in the nose, throat and lungs, add the scientists.

Pollutant alters many abilities of bacteria in the human body
The investigation revealed that black carbon changes the way bacteria grow and form communities. The pollutant also affects how such bacteria survive in our airways. In addition, the ability of the bacteria to hide from and fight against our immune system is changing. Julie Morrissey from the University of Leicester in a press release.

Physicians examine bacteria as a cause of respiratory disease
The research focused mainly on Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. These two types of bacteria are usually the main cause of respiratory disease. The above-mentioned strains of bacteria show a particularly high resistance to treatments with antibiotics, explain the physicians.

Black carbon affects antibiotic tolerance
The research team found in the study that black carbon alters the antibiotic tolerance of the communities of Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, the pollutant significantly increases the resistance of communities of Streptococcus pneumoniae to penicillin. Penicillin is used for the frontal treatment of bacterial pneumonia, say the experts. It has also been found that black carbon causes Streptococcus pneumoniae to spread from the nose to the lower respiratory tract. This is an important step in the development of diseases, the researchers add.

Infection risk is increased and treatment with antibiotics is difficult
Current research raises our understanding of how air pollution affects human health, says the author. Julie Morrissey. The results show that the respiratory disease causing bacteria are affected by the effects of air pollution. This appears to increase the risk of infection and to influence the efficacy of antibiotic treatment in these diseases. (As)