Natural cosmetics or no-trick?

Natural cosmetics or no-trick? / Health News

Many natural cosmetics do not live up to the name


Natural cosmetics have enjoyed increasing popularity among consumers for years. However, the supposed natural products often contain high levels of artificial fragrances and preservatives. Here can quality seals such as the test mark „controlled natural cosmetics“ The Federal Association of Industrial and Trading Companies for Pharmaceuticals, Reform Goods, Dietary Supplements and Cosmetics e.V. (BDIH) serve as a guide.

„Regardless of the fact that it is difficult for consumers to see through the difference between certified and non-certified, natural and conventional cosmetics, sales in the field of natural cosmetics will continue to increase“, reports the Association of Distributors of Cosmetic Products e.V. (VKE). Even today, one in eight of the 12.6 billion euros spent on care products in Germany is invested in natural cosmetics. „With a turnover of 800 million euros, Germany is Europe's largest market for natural cosmetics“, so the message of the VKE cosmetics association.

Natural cosmetics should support the natural skin functions
The BDIH names on its website as an advantage of natural cosmetics „the use of skin and environmentally friendly natural raw materials“, the too „Stimulating and supporting our natural skin functions“ serve. But the term is „natural cosmetics“ legally not protected, so that pharmaceutical manufacturers can call their products as natural cosmetics. „Accordingly, there are certainly products that occur with the word nature in the name, but still contain fragrances and preservatives, in return, however, extremely little herbal active ingredients“, explains the Cologne dermatologist Uta Schlossberger to the news agency „dpa“. Just the preservatives and fragrances, according to the expert can cause violent reactions such as eczema.“ Itchy rash after use of cosmetic products should be considered as a clear warning.

Test seals give security when buying natural cosmetics
To ensure that natural products deliver what they promise, consumers can, according to the news agency „dpa“ on test seals like „Ecocert, EcoControl, NaTrue“ or „controlled natural cosmetics“ orientate. For example, products with the test mark „controlled natural cosmetics“ according to the BDIH only „natural raw materials such as vegetable oils, fats and waxes, herbal extracts and floral waters, or essential oils and flavors from certified organic farming or wild collection“ contain. The seal, however, not only guaranteed „a careful selection of the vegetable raw materials used“, but also „the ecological compatibility of every product, ie environmentally and resource-saving manufacturing processes, the optimal degradability of raw materials as well as the economical use of recyclable packaging materials.“

The „Without trick“
In many cases, the manufacturers advertise their supposed natural cosmetics according to the announcement of „dpa“ with the so-called „Without trick“, which explicitly states what potentially harmful substances are not included in the products. For example, abandonment „Fragrances and preservatives that can be deposited in the body“, declared. The omission of ingredients derived from petroleum and the omission of emulsifiers suspected of drying out the skin is also explicitly promoted. Many manufacturers have the „green“ Cosmetics discovered as a sales opportunity and press with appropriate cosmetics in the market.

Effective protection against environmental stress
The advantage of actual natural cosmetics is not only the renunciation of potentially harmful artificial ingredients, but also in the combination of various active ingredients and vitamins, the reports „dpa“. These would be better absorbed by the skin than the artificial ingredients. In addition, according to the news agency, the plant compounds are considered to be particularly effective at protecting the skin from environmental stress, as many plants have developed highly effective protective mechanisms against free radicals, bacteria or sun rays.

Allergic reactions possible
According to the Stuttgart dermatologist Heiko Grimme, a member of the Professional Association of German Dermatologists, the natural substances contained in cosmetics contain, „but especially for allergy sufferers always a certain risk.“ Consumers have to „Understand that most incompatibilities are caused by natural substances“, Grimme told the news agency „dpa“. So even the best tested natural cosmetics can cause a hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction. Here's just trying out what the skin gets along the best. (Fp)

Picture credits: Konstantin Gastmann