Natural cosmetics tested Always free of hormonally active substances

Natural cosmetics tested Always free of hormonally active substances / Health News
Natural cosmetics performs very well in the test
Natural cosmetics have enjoyed increasing popularity for years. This has to do with the fact that more and more consumers do not want to have hormonal chemicals in cosmetics. In a test, the natural products performed very well.

Natural cosmetics are trendy
More and more consumers want to do without the hormones in numerous cosmetics. The market for natural cosmetics is booming. For many, only eco is no longer sufficient, the products should also effect what conventional cosmetics can do, such as fighting pimples. The Austrian environmental organization Global 2000 has now tested various products in a "natural cosmetics check" and came to a rather positive verdict.

Certified natural cosmetics are guaranteed free of hormonal substances. (Image: Printemps /

All products free of hormonally active substances
After a test of certified natural cosmetics, the environmentalists rated the grade "very good". All 317 reviewed articles were free from hormonally active ingredients and other synthetic preservatives, fragrances or dyes. According to the report, the products examined were "bought in" in the natural cosmetics departments of conventional drugstores, health food stores and green-felted personal care chains. A more detailed report on the numerous cosmetic products can be found here.

Big brands as freeloaders
In a message from the news agency APA, the organization's environmental chemist, Helmut Burtscher, said: "Where natural cosmetics were comprehensible, natural cosmetics were actually there." In health food stores, however, the testers also found conventional products that "list" ingredients like reads a chemistry dictionary and often even includes prohibited substances ". Global 2000 would like a unified natural cosmetics label and criticized that renowned brands such as Lush, Bodyshop, Rauch and Yves Rocher advertise as a kind of freeloaders with proximity to nature, although their products contain problematic substances. (Ad)