Naturopathy prevention of autumn diseases

Naturopathy prevention of autumn diseases / Health News

Prevent complaints in the fall

Autumn brings wind and colder temperatures. For many people, these weather conditions mean dry skin and cracking, hooking joints. Both can be favorably influenced by oil applications. Almond oil has warming, nourishing properties and is ideal for autumnal face and body care. For an oil massage, sesame oil may be heated in the hands and circulated, e.g. be massaged around shoulder or knee joints. In order to intensify the warming and circulation-promoting effect, essences from lemongrass, cinnamon or coriander can also be added to the oil. Then a warm bath of 36 to 38 degrees is good.

Naturopathy protects against typical autumn diseases. Image: Floydine - fotolia

For the human organism, the change from the warm to the colder season means a period of change in which his resistance is weakened and diseases are threatened by pathogens. So it's high time to focus on strengthening the immune system at least now. Because prevention is an important domain of naturopathy, there is a wide range of measures available that can be easily integrated into everyday life and tried out:

To protect the delicate nasal mucosa, to clean it of deposits and to facilitate the free breathing, a drop of sunflower or rapeseed oil can be distributed daily into each nostril. So effectively prevent the first cold.

With Propolis, the resinous construction and repair material of bees, the immune system can be stimulated and modified, because its ingredients have a direct effect on the activity of the defense cells, especially the so-called phagocytes. Four to five tips of pure propolis granules daily should be enough to stimulate the body's defenses.

Also, look for a good digestion. Constipation and other digestive dysfunctions affect the work of the immune system, which, not least in the area of ​​the intestinal mucous membrane, fulfills a large part of its important tasks. When it gets colder and windy, the body is happy about warm, liquid and low-stress meals (soups and stews) and hot ginger tea in between. In addition, the daily consumption of fresh vegetables, salads, fruits, dried fruits and almonds equips the immune system with defensive weaknesses.

Keep skin and joints supple

Autumn brings wind and colder temperatures. For many people, these weather conditions mean dry skin and cracking, hooking joints. Both can be favorably influenced by oil applications. Almond oil has warming, nourishing properties and is ideal for autumnal face and body care. For an oil massage, sesame oil may be heated in the hands and circulated, e.g. be massaged around shoulder or knee joints. In order to intensify the warming and circulation-promoting effect, essences from lemongrass, cinnamon or coriander can also be added to the oil. Then a warm bath of 36 to 38 degrees is good.

Nerve calming and mental hygiene

Last but not least, sufficient sleep and nerve calming are important for a well-functioning immune system and a trouble-free conversion to the new season. Make yourself at home more often, pamper your nerves with lavender or lemon balm oil from the fragrance lamp and avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts - if possible - to avoid internal restlessness and sleep disorders.

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