Naturopathy quince syrup helps with pregnancy sickness

Naturopathy quince syrup helps with pregnancy sickness / Health News
Quince syrup can help with pregnancy sickness
Quince fruit syrup helps reduce pregnancy-induced nausea. The syrup works better than the standard vitamin B6. This is the result of a study from Iran.

Quince syrup helps with nausea during pregnancy. Picture: Heike Rau

In traditional Iranian medicine, the quince u. a. known as Magentonikum for the relief of nausea and vomiting as well as a means for appetite stimulation. Iranian scientists now wanted to know if the fruit juice can also help with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. They investigated the effects of quince syrup on vitamin B6 in women with pregnancy sickness.

The study enrolled 90 women in the gestational phase between weeks 6 to 14 and treatment-dependent, pregnancy-induced nausea of ​​3 to 12 points on the PUQE (Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis) scale with and without vomiting.

The participants were randomly assigned to two groups. They received either one tablespoon of Quittensirup specially prepared for the study or a tablet containing 20 mg of vitamin B6 per unit over a one-week treatment period, three times daily before meals. The intake of additional medications was not allowed. During the therapy period and the seven-day follow-up period, the participants documented the duration, frequency and intensity of their nausea and vomiting as well as side effects by means of the PUQE-24 questionnaire.

The Quittensirup group showed already in comparison with the vitamin B group after 7 days a clinically significant improvement by about 4.3 points on the PUQE scale. In the vitamin B group, the difference was only 1.1 points. Source: Carstens Foundation