Naturopathy Spelled instead of white flour

Naturopathy Spelled instead of white flour / Health News

Spelled instead of white flour: spelled protects your health and strengthens your concentration as well as the ability to think


As the consumer information service AID announced, spelled flour enjoys growing popularity. And that's a good thing, because even the naturopathy visionary Hildegard von Bingen knew that spelled promotes health and strengthens the body and mind.

Spelled can be used as a substitute for unhealthy white flour for almost all types of flour. The dark flour contains a high proportion of protein and glue (gluten), so that the flour is versatile. Dinkelkorn is therefore very well suited for pasta dishes, pastries such as biscuits and cakes, but also for vegetarian patties with greens. A nutty taste is produced with green kernel. Green spelled is spelled when it has been semi-ripe. Spelled is commercially available as whole grain, in the form of shot, as dark flour or semolina. The largest selection of spelled products are offered by well-stocked health food stores.

The abbess Hildegard von Bingen recommended spelled in nutritional science as the basis for daily food intake. So recommended, for example von Bingen, to use spelled as a soup in a fasting cure. Hildegard von Bingen (1098 - 1179) was clergyman, healer and visionary from Rheinhessen, whose writings are today summarized in the Wiesbadener Riesenkodex. Among other things, she wrote a medical-naturopathic work, whose findings and procedures are also used today in natural medicine. „Dinkel makes his eater right flesh and right blood, happy sense and joyful human thinking, "said the Hildegard of Bingen.

Spelled promotes good health
What the visionary once knew, has long been scientifically proven. Spelled has more vitamins and minerals than any other conventional flour. Among other things, the high content of silica has a positive effect on cognitive thinking and performance. Spelled contains an average of 62 percent carbohydrates, 2.7 percent fat, 8.8 percent fiber, and 12 percent valuable protein. The protein contains all the important amino acids.

Spelled is also recommended for an existing wheat allergy (food allergies). Only rarely do allergic persons show reactions to the dark flour. This is partly because the commercial white flour is one of the most engineered flours and on the other spelled has a different protein composition. Whether this fact leads to the fact that spelled flour provokes less allergic reactions, is not scientifically proven so far. However, it has to be reported from practice that only rarely do people develop spelled flour allergy. (Sb)

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Picture credits: Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt