Naturopathic red beetroot can stop altitude sickness

Naturopathic red beetroot can stop altitude sickness / Health News
Beetroot juice helps with altitude sickness
According to a new study, beetroot juice could help mountain climbers to get used to the altitude more quickly in the mountains and thus prevent altitude sickness. Researchers had tested this on a Nepal expedition.

Beetroot juice relieves altitude sickness. Image: Printemps - fotolia

Symptoms of altitude sickness include headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting. The blood vessels constrict in height, which can lead to the described symptoms. Nitrate plays an important role here. Drowning the subjects beetroot juice, which contained high levels of nitrate, widened their blood vessels quickly.

Normally, the body needs time to adapt to the changing air conditions in the mountains, especially the lower oxygen pressure. Once the body has become accustomed to the level, then the blood vessels adapt to the situation. Nitric oxide is important for blood vessel function. The nitrate contained in the beetroot juice provides the starting substance from which the body can form nitric oxide. So the juice can prevent altitude sickness. (Pm)