Natural home remedies help against cold feet

Natural home remedies help against cold feet / Health News
It's getting cold now. For many people that means cold feet all the time. That does not have to be, there are home remedies that our grandmothers already knew.
Winter is the season of cold feet and hands. Even in the office or at home, it can meet one. However, this can be remedied. But why is it that we tend so cold extremities in winter??

If the cold creeps into your shoes or under your gloves, a short walk can be very uncomfortable. Cause of the annoying chill is a protective reaction of the body, as Alexander Piwtorak of the Institute of General Medicine at the University Hospital Jena explains: "If the mercury falls outside, the body must respond to protect against a cooling. Here, the brain and internal organs have absolute priority - it warms up the organism with the help of the heat transport agent blood. So that more blood can flow into the middle of the body and the head, the body first reduces the blood supply to the extremities. As a result, hands and feet, but also ears and nose cool down quickly, "says Piwtorak.

Treading water hardens feet. Picture: Kzenon - fotolia

But freezing is an important physiological process. "Our body always works ergonomically," says Dr. Monika Baumann, physician for physical medicine from Munich. "In principle, the circulatory system supplies the whole body with blood, but the blood is increasingly sent to where it is most needed." The body knows exactly which organs are most important for the body: the chest and abdomen as well as the brain , Constant 37 degrees must prevail in these regions. When arms and legs get a bit cooler, that's not so bad. "If you do not need your feet at the moment, for example because you sit in the office for a long time, they will not be supplied with so much blood and will cool off as a result," says Baumann.

Proper clothing is important
Women are particularly affected by winter shivering. This is primarily due to the relatively lower muscle mass and the tendency to flab. "The bigger and more muscular a body is, the better it can fight off cold," says GP Piwtorak. However, even men are not filed against cold feet and hands. But how can one protect oneself against the cooling off of the extremities? This is terribly banal: put on warm! ", Piwtorak recommends in the round on. "Watch out for comfortable footwear and socks - shoes that squeeze disturb circulation and make your feet cold." When choosing clothes, wool is recommended. "It has the advantage over cotton to be able to absorb moisture and to store heat better."

Sports, foot baths and spicy food
"Anyone who wants to get rid of the icicles on their fingers and toes, could be helped by changing baths for the arms and legs," says Dr. Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld, general practitioner from Bremen. A walk in the sauna and a subsequent bath in the cold water keeps blood circulation and circulation in motion. In addition, there are plant-based ready-to-use drugs that counteract cold feet. This not only eliminates the unpleasant coldness in the feet, but also prevents the development of headaches, as according to Prof. Brauchle "from the feet of [...] nervous remote effects to the head [run]," which can trigger a headache.

In addition, help movement. Sport is thus the best prevention against circulatory problems and thus against cold feet and hands. Going for a walk or light jogging is enough to stimulate the circulation and thus promote blood circulation.

Exercise can also help when you have cold hands and feet: "Give your muscles something to do and exercise! Do a few squats or walk around the house for two minutes or a few paces. The muscles generate heat and the stimulated circulation transports them into the hands and feet, "continues Piwtorak. In particular, movement of the affected body parts help to reheat them. In addition, regular meals should be taken regularly: "Anyone who often freezes should avoid hunger. It just makes us shiver faster when the last meal is hours ago. "Spicy foods are particularly suitable for warming up. In addition, warm drinks help against the constant chill: "Ginger tea is particularly recommended because it also warms because of its pungent substances," said Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA).

Cold feet can be due to illness
If, despite everything, your feet and hands do not warm up, even in mild weather, you should consult a doctor: "If you constantly suffer from ice feet, you may have a circulatory problem and should definitely consult a doctor," warns Piwtorak. Other causes of permanent ice feet may include hypothyroidism, anemia due to iron deficiency, and low blood pressure. (Sb)