Nasal spray against anxiety attacks

Nasal spray against anxiety attacks / Health News

Nasal spray against anxiety attacks


Researchers at the Max Planck Institute recently succeeded in developing a nasal spray with the anxiolytic neuropeptide S (NPS). Intake through the nasal mucosa overcomes the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from the ingress of potential toxic substances. After only four hours, the effect on the brain regions that are responsible for anxiety and panic attacks unfolds. Researchers have recently demonstrated this with the help of mice.

Blood-brain barrier protects organ from toxic substances
Fear is a feeling that should warn us of potential dangers. If she becomes a permanent companion, it is pathological. About nine percent of Germans suffer from anxiety disorders, which are among the most common mental disorders. The greater the interest to develop drugs that are anxiolytic to the corresponding brain areas.

Drugs that affect this sensitive area must overcome the so-called blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from the ingress of potential toxic substances. In children, however, this natural inhibition threshold is not yet fully developed, with the result that active ingredients in the blood reach the brain almost unhindered and there may have undesirable side effects. This should be considered urgently by parents, for example, when giving their children over-the-counter medicines.

Neuropeptide S overcomes blood-brain barrier
The scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry needed to find a way to cross the blood-brain barrier. They came across the anxiolytic NPS that they tested on mice. Neuropeptides are among the proteins that are formed by nerve cells and are effective there.

The researchers led by Ulrike Schmidt conducted studies on the effectiveness of NPS in the brain. In addition, uptake via the nasal mucosa was tested. The scientists succeeded in visualizing the pathway of NPS from the nasal mucosa to the nerve cells of various brain regions. Thus, the targeted and very specific uptake of the substance into the cells by binding to the NPS receptor could be shown.

After four hours, the effect unfolds
In the brain of the mice, even small amounts of NPS could be detected after 30 minutes after administration via the nasal mucosa. After four hours, the scientists were able to observe the anxiolytic effect because the mice were less anxious. Although the exact mechanism of action of NPS has not yet been clarified, an anxiolytic effect on intranasal administration of NPS has been demonstrated. Scientists believe that NPS affects signal transduction pathways between hippocampal nerve cells. The administration of the substance could lead to the attenuation of the emotional center in the brain.

„Our results open the door to the development of future drugs for patients with morbid anxiety based on neuropeptide S, "explains Ulrike Schmidt. „The ease of use and rapid and direct action of an anxiolytic nasal spray could be a blessing to many patients with anxiety disorders such as panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder. "Surely, research results give anxiety patients new hope, but an anxiolytic nasal spray can only be understood as a cure for panic attacks. (ag)

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Image: Andreas Morlok / Pixelio