Neck and thumb pain often result from smartphones and tablets

Neck and thumb pain often result from smartphones and tablets / Health News
Physical stress through smartphone and tablet - neck and thumb suffer
There are probably only a few people who do not own a smartphone. Tablets are also becoming more and more widespread, both privately and at work. The frequent use of mobile devices unfortunately also brings with it health risks.

Smartphone usage with health consequences
The use of smartphones and tablets is increasing. Unfortunately that does not remain without health consequences. It was found in a study that such devices in children and adolescents reduce the quality of sleep. In addition, experts assume that the constant use of smartphones will increase myopia. The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) now points to other health hazards: Inflamed palpitations and neck tension.

The permanent use of smartphones and tablets can lead to health problems such as inflamed palpitations and neck tensions. (Image: Antonioguillem /

Musculoskeletal system is burdened
Smartphone and tablet PC, so-called smart devices, stress the muscular and skeletal system. "When used intensively, static posture, frequent repeats of movement, and high levels of muscle activity can occur that can strain the musculoskeletal system," it says in a message. This is the conclusion of the review "Review of physical stress in the use of smart mobile devices" BAuA, which has now been published.

Inflamed palpitations and neck tension
The consequences of this may include inflamed palpitations and a permanently tense neck. Accordingly, the thumbs suffer from typing text messages on small screens, but also in the operation of touch screens - for example, when scrolling.

And the neck is permanently tense if you always lean forward to see the screen. In addition, the back is often burdened by a crooked posture that arises as users dislocate to shield the screen from incident light that otherwise reflects and fades on the device.

In previous studies, posture damage could be detected by smartphones.

Use smartphones only for a short time
"Basically, tablets and smartphones should therefore be used for a short time," advises the Federal Institute. Low reflection displays are better for your health; You do not have to be too cranky for a good view. With prolonged use, accessories such as an external keyboard can help improve posture and comfort. This not only benefits the thumb, but also the back. (Ad)