Lack of junior talent Perfection urges fear

Lack of junior talent Perfection urges fear / Health News

Lack of young talent: Perfection urges fuel the fear of having children. Young mothers are overwhelmed by the social pressure of perfection.


Women like to be mothers like to do everything right, with 78 percent of them, the serenity in education is an ideal starting point. However, only 44 percent of women manage to be really relaxed about children. This is the conclusion of a study by the Cologne-based Rheingold-Institut for qualitative market and media analyzes, in which 1,000 women between the ages of 20 and 40 were interviewed on the planning of young talent.

According to the results of the study, there is a considerable pressure of perfection on women, which prevents many of them from bringing children into the world. According to the Rheingold-Institut, many young women are desperate for the ideal of „relaxed motherhood“. Although 78 percent of women want to be calm about everything related to children, family and job, but only 44 percent said they are actually relaxed. Ines Imdahl, psychologist and study leader at the Rheingold-Institut emphasized: „The women are so hard-pressed to be calm that they are not anymore.“ Because most people see financial burden, changes in the partnership and the claim to be at the same time successful, attractive woman and loving, perfect mother in the face of having children, and often do not feel up to this pressure.

For example, Ines Imdahl explained that for many women, motherhood is associated with a kind of loss of identity, because on the one hand they want to be fully mother, optimally support their child and be there for them, but on the other hand show no change and the attractive life partner want to stay professionally successful woman. Therefore, many women feel torn between the different roles. In the opinion of the psychologist of the Rheingold-Institut, the pressure, which is attributed to the social value of children and maternal education, is exacerbated considerably. For example, 61 percent of respondents said it was up to mothers to provide optimal support for children.

Pressure for perfection and serenity
The pressure to perfection and serenity means that many women by themselves put off the desire to have children. In addition, many women were convinced that having children was a risk for them, despite their good education. For example, 58 percent of the respondents listed children as a cost factor, and 48 percent had specific financial worries about becoming pregnant. In addition to the financial concerns, every second woman is afraid that her relationship with childbearing will take a back seat and her partner will put her back „only“ as a mother and no longer as a woman perceives, said Ines Imdahl.

The study carried out by the Rheingold-Institut „Childbirth in Germany“ was from the baby food manufacturer „Milupa“ commissioned. The Rheingold-Institut surveyed 1,000 women between the ages of 20 and 40 years, among them mothers of babies up to twelve months, pregnant women and women with and without children. In addition, the researchers of the research institute conducted extensive depth psychology interviews with 70 women. It also raised the question of what women would wish for improvements in the situation of mothers. For Ines Imdahl the conclusion was clear at this point: The women „Above all, it is desirable that it becomes normal for working women to have children“ and therefore almost desperately seek support from politics, business and society. So far, however, only with modest success, because even if isolated bright spots such as in-house kindergartens and similar measures are praised in publicity, women are still too often on closed doors in the search for support. (Fp)

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Picture: Silvio-Bu