Myths? Does the snacking of raw cookie dough cause abdominal pain?

Myths? Does the snacking of raw cookie dough cause abdominal pain? / Health News
Threatens abdominal pain after snacking from cookie dough?
Snacking while baking cookies or cake dough is not only popular among children. Many adults also like to sample the dough before it ends up in the oven. Although probably everybody has heard at least once in their life: "Do not eat so much of the dough, it will give you a stomach ache!" Katharina Stapel of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) Section Niedersachsen explains to the news agency if this is really the case. dpa ".

When baking cookies, most of the dough is consumed directly. Sweet-toothed cats in the local Christmas bakery sometimes suffer from a guilty conscience because they fear later stomachaches. As long as the cookie dough contains no raising agents such as yeast or baking soda, however, snacking is safe, explains Katharina Stapel. In the case of cake dough, on the other hand, they usually contain the corresponding ingredients, so that it is more likely that they will have a stomachache after dough bagging.

When baking cookies, snacking on the dough is simply part of it. The warning of abdominal pain is only partially justified here. (Image: V & P Photo Studio /

Raising agents in the dough cause discomfort
According to the DGE expert, "raw cookie dough can then become a problem as soon as it contains leavening agents, such as yeast or baking soda." Although this will loosen the dough, they also produce carbon dioxide in the body. "The gas gets into the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to abdominal pain and flatulence," Stack is cited by the "dpa". "Except for a bad feeling, but nothing is to be expected," says the expert clear. The risk of Salmonella infection by the contained raw eggs can be excluded in principle, as long as only fresh eggs are used. In addition, the leavening yeast and baking powder are rarely found in cookies, so there is no risk here. The snacking of bread or cake, however, remain with caution.

Home remedies help
Should the dough cause discomfort due to the snacking of the dough, various home remedies can help, for example a tea based on medicinal plants such as cumin, fennel and anise forms a proven home remedy for flatulence. The so-called four-wind tea from caraway seeds, fennel seeds, horse mint leaves and chamomile flowers promises relief here. (Fp)