Myths? Sperm smoothies for the prevention of colds

Myths? Sperm smoothies for the prevention of colds / Health News

English vegan drinks cum for colds
Cough, runny nose, body aches: Colds are not pleasant. Health experts advise strengthening the immune system to protect against such diseases. A woman from England thinks that she achieves this by having a drink with male sperm every day.

Protect against colds
Especially in the cold season, many people suffer from a cold. Headaches, fever and sore throat can make everyday life a torment. Health experts are happy to give recommendations on how to prevent such diseases. You can prevent colds, for example, by always keeping an arm's length away from the infected. Above all, it is important to strengthen one's own defenses. An Englishwoman has a somewhat strange method for this.

There are several ways to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from colds. A woman from England uses an unusual method: She drinks a smoothie with male ejaculate every day. (Image: scerpica /

With sperm support the immune system
According to a report in the British Daily Mail, 29-year-old Tracy Kiss drinks a smoothie every morning, spiced up with a friend's sperm. The male seed is said to support her immune system and thus protect her from colds, the vegan from Buckinghamshire is convinced.

Taste may vary
The single mother, told the newspaper: "I felt really drained and had no energy left, but now I'm cheery and my mood has improved." The friend who provided her with his semen for the drink was At first skeptical, she thought she wanted to use him to possibly get pregnant with it.

Tracy Kiss also commented on the taste of the sperm: "It can taste really good - it depends on what my friend has eaten. My other friends think I'm strange, but I do not care. "

Sexually transmitted diseases excluded
According to the woman, the sperm donor does not smoke and was tested for sexually transmitted diseases. But once he's drunk a few glasses of beer, she adds extra ingredients to her smoothie.

"I told him to tell me if he drank alcohol or ate something overpowering like asparagus," says Kiss.

Facial treatment with ejaculate
The Briton had already reported on the positive effects of male ejaculate on her YouTube channel in the past. There she explained that the sperm was also suitable for the facial treatment and she had achieved great success with her rosacea.

"I know that no chemicals have been added. It's as natural, active and alive as possible, "said Kiss in the Daily Mail..

According to health experts, this disease - like many other skin diseases - can often be treated with natural home remedies. Relaxation methods for stress relief such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation are recommended.

The medicinal plant of 2017, the oat oats, also helps against rosacea. That male sperm should have a positive effect here, had not previously been reported.

No harmful substances
Even German experts are not really convinced of the alleged miracle cure. So the urologist Dr. Thomas Kreutzig-Langenfeld from Koblenz opposite the "picture": "Faith moves mountains. If the young woman has an effect, that is more in the area of ​​the placebo effect. The fact is: sperm contains nothing that harms the body. It contains fructose, proteins, enzymes and zinc - so different substances that are cheap, the sperm are well cared for. "

Everything is conceivable in medicine
He also points to the small amount of sperm from about two to five milliliters, which are produced per ejaculation: "If one converts this amount to the body mass of a woman, that is very little."

The doctor also said: "Ultimately, everything in medicine is conceivable. I do not want to say it's impossible, but I think it's unlikely. "And" sperm is also called the "juice of life". Maybe you give this idea strength. "

For some people, however, it might have a negative impact on trying the method. And for those who suffer from a so-called sperm allergy, which can come after skin contact with ejaculate to allergic symptoms such as redness and itchy rash. (Ad)