Myths in Urology what's right, what's not?

Myths in Urology what's right, what's not? / Health News

Many popular wisdom does not stand up to closer inspection


Numerous myths circulate around urology: „Riding a bike makes you impotent“ or „Cold causes bladder infections“ are among the classics. But in which of these statements is actually a spark of truth and which turn out to be errors in technical review? Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and managing director of the network of physicians Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, an association of established urologists, explains five common legends of urology.

Make laptop, mobile phone & Co. impotent?
Common theme: male virility and fertility. Especially technical devices are always suspected of endangering masculinity. For example, according to popular belief heat through seat heating or the use of a laptop on the lap affects the fertility of the man. „It is true that testicles can not tolerate strong heat and the optimal temperature for unrestricted semen production is below body temperature“, explains Dr. Shepherd, „but lasting damage would require weeks to months of overheating.“ It is possible, however, that prolonged exposure to heat for hours temporarily reduces sperm quality.

Mobile phones, on the other hand, are considered to be harmful to fertility, mainly because of the radiation emitted by them. However, this fear seems largely unfounded according to current scientific standards. Here, too, at most heat, which give mobile phones, especially when wearing in trouser pockets, as a cause for a temporarily limited sperm quality in question.

Also persistent is the rumor that cycling is impotent. But urologists also contradict this frequently expressed conjecture. Even those who cycle a lot and a long time will not be harmed. Any pain after long tours lead experts back to a malposition of the saddle. „Even these painful irritations, however, in no way point to potency limitations,“ emphasizes Shepherd. He recommends wide, soft padded saddles and a tip tip down.

Women's suffering and insider tips on the test
But not only men are confronted with half and untruths of urology. In the female sex, folk wisdom often revolves around a disease that many women really often suffer from: a bladder infection. In popular opinion, hypothermia causes so-called cystitis. In fact, wetness and cold at best promote the development of cystitis. The causes are bacteria that enter the urinary bladder in various ways. However, with a lot of drinking and keeping the feet and abdomen warm, those affected prevent in some cases that inflammation develops from a bladder irritation.

As a gentle remedy to prevent or even combat urinary tract infections, many recommend the use of cranberry juice, capsules or the dried fruit. But here, too, shows that myth and reality often do not agree. „A substance contained in the berry, although studies actually make it difficult for bacteria to settle on the walls of the bladder, but it does not represent a reliable protection or an effective remedy for an existing inflammation“, puts Dr. Schaefer clear. (Pm)

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt