Mysterious disease with similar AIDS symptoms

Mysterious disease with similar AIDS symptoms / Health News

New immunodeficiency disease with AIDS-like symptoms discovered


Researchers have discovered an AIDS-related immunodeficiency disease. Scientists at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have detected a previously unknown immune deficiency disease that has already plagued many people in Southeast Asia. Unlike HIV infection, however, the disease should not be transmitted from human to human.

Infections with non-tuberculous mycobacteria

Infections with so-called "non-tuberculous mycobacteria" (NTM) are relatively common in AIDS patients, while people with a healthy immune system usually do not get the disease. However, in Southeast Asia, there have been reports of increased infections with NTM in people who are not infected with HIV for some time. The research team led by Sarah Browne from the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH has now identified an antibody, the patient „more susceptible to opportunistic infections.“ The results of their research have the scientists in the journal „New England Journal of Medicine ".

Over 200 patients with puzzling Aids-like illness were examined
As part of their study, the US researchers investigated 203 people from Thailand and Taiwan between the ages of 18 and 78, who suffered from conspicuous bacterial infections. So showed „52 patients had a non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection, 45 patients other opportunistic infections with or without non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection, nine patients had disseminated tuberculosis and 49 patients had pulmonary tuberculosis“, Report Sarah Browne and colleagues. As a control group served 48 healthy volunteers. The researchers analyzed the patient's history and evaluated their blood samples. All study participants were HIV negative at baseline.

Unusual infections caused by blocking of interferon-gamma
In the blood samples, researchers focused on antibodies to cell signaling molecules such as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). They could prove that „In 88 percent of people with NTM or other opportunistic infections, antibodies blocked their own IFN-gamma“ to have. By blocking IFN-gamma function, the immune system was hampered in its ability to fight infection, making the subjects more susceptible to opportunistic infections. „Because the mean age of NTM participants or other opportunistic infections was 50 years, researchers speculate that the antibodies will not develop over time as a result of the combined genetic and environmental factors“, according to the statement of the National Institutes of Health. By identifying the causal link, it may be possible in the future to address the underlying problem directly by treating the cells responsible for the production of antibodies to IFN-gamma, the US scientists report.

Further studies on AIDS-related infectious diseases required
Why the mysterious AIDS-like illness especially people in Southeast Asia overturned, the researchers could not yet clarify. Be here „Further work is needed to determine why people in Southeast Asia are predisposed to the development of this autoimmune disease“ have explained Sarah Browne. According to the scientists, many cases of puzzling Aids-like infections have occurred in Thailand and Taiwan since 2004. (Fp)

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Image: Gerd Altmann,