Fibroids Herbal, Chinese remedies can heal

Fibroids Herbal, Chinese remedies can heal / Health News
Often, surgery becomes redundant
Fibroids are slow-growing, benign tumors in the uterus. They affect about one in four women between the ages of 35 and 55 years. Just a few years ago, it was common practice for fibroids that cause discomfort to completely remove the uterus. Today, surgery is often performed on the uterus, the growths are sclerosed, or the fibroid is cut off from the blood supply by a so-called embolization and starved. In addition, there are today ultrasound methods that destroy the fibroid from the outside. All methods are more or less invasive, in some cases myomas also grow back. It can also lead to bleeding or adhesions. A non-invasive therapy option is treatment according to the principles of Chinese medicine. With special therapies, the experts succeed in treating the material causes of the fibroids. Frequently, fibroids often return by themselves without surgery.

Dr. Christian Schmincke, expert in Chinese medicine and director of the Steigerwald Clinic, explains the reasons underlying his view of the disease: "Myomas are blood blocks in the uterus that lead to the accumulation of substances that require deregulation." In Far Eastern medicine, these are Fabrics called "Tan". Therapy is about mobilizing and diverting tan depots. This restores the natural balance between buildup and breakup processes. The mainstay of Chinese therapy is the drug therapy. Herbal ingredients such as roots, barks or tubers have a high potential for action.

"In myoma patients, the drugs support the elimination of Tan," Dr. Schmincke. "In order to dissolve blood blockages and expel the tan that has accumulated in the uterus, the drug often contains extracts of cinnamon bark." Before taking it as a decoction, the therapist creates an individualized formula for the patient based on diagnostic criteria. Ideally, it controls the impact on the body on a daily basis. Therefore, the remedies are not suitable for self-treatment. Other treatment components include acupuncture, special body therapies and Qi Gong. They relieve pain, loosen up the cramped abdomen and remove blockages. "All these therapeutic options cause the blood flow to be balanced again. "As a result of the therapy, health disorders are reversed and fibroids often completely recover without the need for surgical intervention," concludes Dr. Schmincke.