Mother's milk tastes- Why actually?

Mother's milk tastes- Why actually? / Health News

Breast milk tastes - why actually?


Breast milk is an ideal food for babies and tailored to the needs of children. In the early childhood, she plays a crucial role in the further life. Why babies like the milk is not yet clear.

Studies have shown that breastfeeding promotes brain development. US researchers discovered in the 1940s that breastfed children had a developmental advantage in their early years. A series of epidemiological studies in adults followed, giving similar results.

Breastmilk is the guarantee for good growth
A main constituent of breast milk is protein (proteins). The amino acids of breast milk support growth and help build the immune system. They are responsible for the transport of vitamins and hormones. Fats (lipids) are the second major component and provide about 50 percent of the energy content. She is involved in the development of the central nervous system and strengthens the eyesight. Another nutrient group is carbohydrates, which mainly contain lactose. It contains vitamins, minerals such as calcium or trace elements.

In the past, it has been assumed that aromas that breastfeeding mothers consume, also in the milk and thus negatively affect the appetite of the baby. The pharmacy magazine “Baby and family” points in this connection in a report on the study of the Erlanger food chemist Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Büttner. She has discovered that flavors can by no means always be eaten out of mother's milk. For example, fish oil and nursing tea do not lose their taste, even when the mother has consumed large quantities of milk. (Fr)

Image: Hilde Vogtländer