Mother after arrest marijuana use was purely medical

Mother after arrest marijuana use was purely medical / Health News
Defendant mother advocates legalization of marijuana in Utah
A woman with a rare, chronic disease is campaigning in the US state of Utah to legalize marijuana. The wheelchair bound mother was caught using marijuana. The accused now stated that she took the drug only for medical reasons. The woman is convinced she can not live without marijuana and said she would go to jail to fight for his medical use.

Utah's Enedina Stanger suffers from the rare Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The mother relies on a wheelchair and is constantly suffering from severe chronic pain. She insists that only cannabis can help her alleviate the pain. Now, the woman said she was also ready to go to jail to fight for the medical use of marijuana. The mother had been caught by a policeman while she was consuming marijuana in her car, news channel NBC reported. The reasoning with a medical need therefore seems somewhat questionable even for hardened cannabis advocates.

A mother who had used marijuana in her car in the presence of her child justifies this with her illness and is now arguing for the medical use of cannabis. (Image: marijuana /

Mother caught with serious illness while marijuana smoking
A wheelchair-bound mother arrested after smoking marijuana while driving her car points out she used it purely for medical purposes. At the time of her offense, the two-year-old daughter was also in the vehicle. For this reason, the mother was charged with exposing her child to harm, NBC reported. The 27-year-old devout Mormon explained to the police that she had only used the drug to endure the agonizing pain of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. This rare disease affects the connective tissue in the human body and can lead to an over-mobility of the joints. Every day it feels like her bones are dislocated, the woman explained to the news channel. For them, this seems to be a justification to consume marijuana in the car's immediate presence.

Accused mother receives probation
An American court sentenced the woman to prison for her behavior. However, the mother was released on bail again. This began their odyssey through the courtrooms of Utah. Three days after her meeting with the police, the defendant changed her residence. She moved to the US state of Colorado, where the marijuana laws are much looser. Nevertheless, the mother will have to return to Utah to face her lawsuit. The woman has to endure a probationary sentence for six months and may be forced to travel to Utah to attend special parenting courses there. But she did not want to give in, especially since her two daughters were diagnosed with the same disease. If she went to jail, only to ensure that her daughters would later receive a new form of medicine and treatment, the mother told the local news channel KUTV.

Accused can not live without marijuana
The mother acknowledged that the use of marijuana is illegal, but the drug keeps it alive. She did not know how or why it worked, but the drug worked against her pain and did not make her "high," the defendant added. The woman is convinced that she can not live without marijuana. The shocking experience with the police told the mother on her personal blog. Her daughter still has nightmares that the police would arrest and take her mom or her, explained the 27-year-old. But she had no choice, she had to take the medicine, added the mother. A statement that may well be questioned critically. Because a consumption in the immediate presence of the child in a vehicle could have been safely avoided. Also, the driving ability diminishes directly after the consumption of marijuana, which is why it is questionable whether the mother should have driven a vehicle at all. (As)