Sore muscles can indicate thrombosis

Sore muscles can indicate thrombosis / Health News

First world thrombosis day should draw attention to the life-threatening vascular blockage


In a thrombosis, a blood clot (thrombus) is formed, which can constrict a vessel or completely clogged. If the blood clot is flushed into the lungs with the bloodstream, it may block blood vessels and cause pulmonary embolism, which is often fatal. In Germany, around 100,000 people die each year as a result of thrombosis. Often the sufferers misinterpret the first symptoms and get treated too late. The World Thrombosis Day, which will be held for the first time on October 13, 2014, will raise awareness of the disease and raise public awareness of the issue.

If left untreated, thrombosis can lead to life-threatening pulmonary embolism
Persistent back pain, reddish discoloration and swelling may be an indication of thrombosis. Robert Klamroth from the Society for Thrombosis and Hematology Research (GTH) points to the news agency in the run-up to World Thrombosis Day „dpa“ in Berlin. The complaints were often confused with muscle soreness, so the physician. However, if a thrombosis is not treated in time, the patient may experience a life-threatening pulmonary embolism.

To draw attention to this danger, the international and national specialist societies such as the German Society for Angiology (DGA), the German Society for Phlebology (DGP) and the Society for Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research (GTH) have come under the First World Thrombosis Day joined together. They want to enlighten, increase awareness of the disease and prevent preventable deaths. „The World Thrombosis Day is designed to inform the public, doctors and decision-makers in the health system about the disease, its development, risk factors, symptoms and preventive measures, "the venous specialist Dr. Jutta Schimmelpfennig, a member of the DGP, is quoted in a joint statement by the German specialist associations. „People should be aware of the risk factors and symptoms in order to seek immediate medical help in an emergency, "adds Klamroth.

In a thrombosis, the patient is treated with blood thinners
A thrombosis causes a blood clot, which can lead to vascular blockage. If treatment with blood thinners is initiated in good time, the patient has very good chances of recovery. „In the first few weeks, the risk of relapsing is highest, so patients should take the anticoagulant for three months. "Klamroth told the news agency that compression treatments and exercise also promote recovery.

The risk of thrombosis is favored for example by a lack of exercise during a long flight or after an operation. Stefanie Reich-Schupke of the DGP also points out to the news agency that a change in hormone balance, for example during pregnancy, or when taking the birth control pill increases the risk of blood clots. Other risk factors are overweight and increasing age.

To prevent thrombosis, exercise is considered the best prophylactic. „Stairs instead of an elevator, a bicycle instead of a car or going for a walk instead of bus travel are there to help ", said Andreas Tiede, Professor of Hemostaseology at the Hannover Medical School, to the news agency A healthy diet with plenty of fiber and sufficient fluid also promote blood circulation.

Picture: Katharina Wieland Müller