Muscle fiber tears Protecting the muscles is the most important thing

Muscle fiber tears Protecting the muscles is the most important thing / Health News
Muscular rupture and adductor injury mean EM-Aus for Khedira and Gomez
When sports threaten a variety of injuries, which can sometimes have a longer compulsory break. This applies to both amateur and professional sports. For example, in the football match Germany-Italy two players of the German national team have suffered muscle injuries in the thigh and therefore can not participate in the upcoming game against France. What exactly a hamstring and an adductor injury mean for athletes, explains Dr. med. Thorsten Hammer in a recent press release of the University Hospital Freiburg.

In the European Championship game on Saturday, Sami Khedira had an injury to the adductors in the left thigh and Mario Gomez suffered a torn muscle in the right rear thigh, according to the announcement of the German Football Association (DFB). But what do the injuries really mean for those affected and what are the chances of a speedy recovery? The expert Dr. Thorsten Hammer, medical director of the surgery of the University Emergency Center at the University Hospital of Freiburg and team doctor of the SC Freiburg, explains the origin and consequences of such injuries.

In football, injuries are not uncommon, with muscle injuries usually requiring several weeks of physical protection. (Image: videodoctor /

Pain a warning signal
As a possible trigger for a hamstring are according to Dr.. Hammer rapid sprints, fast stopping and jerky movements. In this case, individual muscle fibers in the muscle would be overburdened and therefore tear. Frequently a torn muscle tear occurs in the thigh, in the calf, on the upper arm or on the shoulder. Stinging pain is a clear warning sign here. Bleeding tissue can also cause a bruise on the affected area, explains the expert. Although those affected are still able to walk, depending on the extent and location of the injury, "sprinting or shooting is no longer possible," according to the Freiburg University Hospital.

Cool torn muscle as quickly as possible
The affected muscle should be "cooled and spared" as soon as possible in the event of a torn muscle fiber. Hammer. Also, an analgesic tape bandage could help relieve. For those affected, physical protection is essential. "With a torn muscle fiber, in the coming weeks, sports will be out of the question for the first time," reports the University Hospital Freiburg. The complete regeneration could also be extremely tedious. But it is only when those affected no longer feel any discomfort in their muscles that they can gradually start again with light training and increased stress levels.

Adductors in football particularly stressed
Even if the adductor is injured, those affected can not exercise for a long time. The adductors are needed, for example, to shoot the ball in football or to change the direction. These special muscles are needed for pulling a body part and extend from the pubic bone almost to the knee, according to the announcement of the Freiburg University Hospital. "This muscle group is very stressed especially in football," explains Dr. med. Hammer. Injuries to the adductor are usually associated with pain on the inner thigh and sufferers can pull their leg to the body only under severe pain. If an appropriate injury is suspected, the muscles and tendons are first manually checked and, if necessary, followed by ultrasound examinations or MRI scans.

Physical protection inevitable
In adductor injuries, the affected muscle group must be spared and "a game use is only possible after several weeks," explains Dr. med. Thorsten Hammer. In addition to the physical protection, however, for example, easy running is advised to maintain the overall fitness. Through a healthy diet and manual therapies recovery can be promoted. With regard to the European Football Championship, however, it can be stated that the present injuries do not allow further participation of the two named players in the tournament. (Fp)