Multitasking Equal stress for men & women

Multitasking Equal stress for men & women / Health News

Multitasking: Equal stress for men and women.

(22.06.2010) A study by the Institute for Work and Health (IAG) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) has shown that women are on the same level in the so-called multitasking with men. So far, it has always been considered certain that women can do several things at the same time. A rather jokeful comparison was that women could talk on the phone, put on wedding dresses, and eat at the same time. Already in April, French brain researchers published research that our brain can perform at most two activities simultaneously. To lead back this seems to be that we „just“ own two halves of the brain.

The IAG came on Tuesday with a study in the public, in which just over 30 male and female subjects had participated. They had to do various other activities while driving, such as entering a number in a mobile phone. It was noted that driving skills suffered from other activities and that there were no serious gender differences or age-related abnormalities.

In general, multitasking for the human organism seems to be stressful and, following the results of the French brain researchers, unnatural. Especially when driving a car one should concentrate exclusively on this one activity in order to avoid accidents. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)

Also read:
Brain research: you can only do 2 things at the same time?
Picture credits: Dieter Schütz /