Multidrug-resistant hospital germs in the grill meat

Multidrug-resistant hospital germs in the grill meat / Health News

Caution: Dangerous MRSA germs found in grilled meat


In packaged marinated grilled meat, samples of potentially harmful MRSA germs were found in samples. Especially for the weakened and elderly, the pathogens, also known as hospital germs, can be dangerous.

14 percent of the samples were infected with dangerous germs
Again „mirror“ Be careful when buying pre-packaged marinated grilled meats. The MRSA germs, which are also dreaded as hospital germs, were found in random samples. The Bundestag faction of the Greens had therefore a few weeks ago in 13 cities packaged grilled meat and examined. It has been shown that 14 percent of all samples were infected with the dangerous germs that can trigger wound infections and airway inflammation. The majority of conventional antibiotics, however, is powerless.

10,000 to 15,000 deaths from MRSA germs every year
The products were purchased according to the information in all major supermarkets and discounters. The testers were found, for example, in pork neck steaks in pepper marinade or marinated turkey chopped steaks. MRSA germs are staphylococcal pathogens that are resistant to all common market available beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and only on the treatment with so-called „Reserve antibiotics“ speak to. In this country, the dangerous germs for the death of annually 10,000 to 15,000 people are responsible.

Especially the weakened and the elderly endangered
As experts point out, there is an increased risk for people with weakened immune systems. An infection can trigger various symptoms in patients such as inflammation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting or blood poisoning. Especially in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes MRSA are relatively widespread and here at the same time a significant problem. For the elderly, the germs are particularly dangerous. In the past year, two-thirds of the patients were 70 or older.

Antibiotics in factory farming as a cause
One cause of the increase in germs is seen in the widespread use of antibiotics in factory farming. Friedrich Ostendorff, agricultural policy spokesman for the Greens, said: „The different germ resistance is a ticking time bomb.“ The politician criticized that the black-red federal government takes no decisive action to stop the abuse of antibiotics in factory farming. However, antibiotics have also been used as a miracle cure for infectious diseases for decades and are still prescribed too often or incorrectly, as experts repeatedly emphasize. Although there are many alternatives to naturopathic antibiotics in many diseases, doctors and patients usually rely on conventional medicines.

Germs can be killed with heat
For the germs, they can basically be killed by heat. When food is heated well above 60 to 70 degrees, as is normally the case when cooking, grilling or frying, the pathogens do not survive. However, low temperatures such as freezing do not kill viruses and bacteria. A spread of the germs can also be prevented with a few precautions. For example, raw meat should never be cut with the same knife as cooked meat or vegetables. Also, the cutting board should then be another. Above all, hand washing is the most important hygiene rule. After contact with meat, cutlery and dishes should be washed carefully. (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann