Multifocal lenses free from star and glasses

Multifocal lenses free from star and glasses / Health News

Multifocal lenses rid of star disease and glasses


Veil vision, loss of contrast, reduced light-dark adjustment, limitation in spatial vision, changes in visual acuity in the near and far: who suffers from cataract loses much of its quality of life. While at the beginning regular fitting of the glasses is still sufficient, in the advanced course only a surgical procedure restores lost sight. Since many sufferers believe that they are still able to see quite well, there is usually no need to undergo surgery. What many do not know: The implantation of special lenses also frees the glasses. So anyone who disturbs their glasses has a reason to opt for cataract surgery early on. This also saves money.

As increasing lens opacities do not return by themselves, surgery remains the only way to restore vision. Many, however, shy away from an intervention and hesitate him out. However, this fear is unfounded, as the cataract operation - performed around 600,000 times a year - is one of the most common and safest procedures. Sufferers can choose from an artificial two models when replacing the natural lens: Whereas conventional monofocal lenses only correct cataracts, so-called multifocal lenses correct all defective vision. „Cataract patients, who are annoyed by their visual aids and who long for life without glasses, should have their surgery done sooner rather than later“, recommends Dr. Kaweh Schayan-Araghi, Board Member of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists and Medical Director of the Artemis Eye Clinic in Frankfurt. „An operation is needed sooner or later anyway.“

Those who prefer to invest in a lens exchange instead of years of adjusting the glasses saves money and nerves. Because the stronger the ametropia, the thicker the lenses and the heavier the visual aid. That is why many resort to expensive plastic lenses. Foggy or rainy glasses, constant search for the vision aid are after the procedure of the past. For whom eyewear freedom in everyday life is not so important, should still wait with the operation, but not too long. If the disease interferes with everyday life, for example, by restricting spatial orientation, causing cataract patients to trip or spill their drink frequently, surgery is indicated. „Ophthalmologists recommend that patients undergo surgery to avoid any daily restrictions before they complain of noticeable vision loss“, so Dr. Schayan-Araghi.

If the lens exchange is conventional lenses, statutory health insurance companies bear the costs. If patients with defective vision, in addition to correcting the cataract, correct all visual deficiencies, ophthalmologists implant multifocal lenses. Here, the health insurance takes over a share of the costs. Affected see after surgery without glasses usually better than before the disease with glasses. „In up to 95 percent of patients, the vision improves so clearly after the procedure that a clear view and freedom from glasses into old age is possible“, knows Dr. Schayan-Araghi from experiences with his patients. (Pm)

Picture: Acon