Cool the muffin tin shortly after greasing

Cool the muffin tin shortly after greasing / Health News

Short cold shock prevents sticky cake dough


Muffins are becoming increasingly popular. Whether sweet, hearty, chocolaty or fruity - for the small round cakes from the USA, there are a variety of recipes that usually go fast and thereby enrich every children's birthday or coffee table. Annoying is only when the muffins can not be released from the mold after baking - but with the help of a simple trick, this problem can be solved quickly.

Muffins in children's hit
Colorful decorated muffins are the hit on every kids birthday, because the small handy cake are delicious and have just the right portion for children. For baking, in addition to the small paper cups, more and more hobby bakers now use a special cup of muffins, which promises easier detachment of the cakes. But unfortunately this does not always work - instead it always happens that the dough sticks and the muffins break.

Paper cups with wet dough
But here a simple trick can help: „If the mold is placed in the freezer for a short time after greasing, the finished muffins can be loosened better“, so the consumer information service aid from Bonn. Even the traditional paper cups can help here by placing them in each bowl, which makes sense, for example, if the muffins are slightly wetter due to a lot of fruit.

Always mix moist and dry ingredients separately
For the preparation of the dough, the aid recommends mixing moist and dry ingredients separately from each other. Accordingly, first egg and oil should be beaten foamy and in a second bowl then flour, baking soda (or soda) and sugar. Only then would the liquid egg-oil mix be added to the blended dry ingredients and everything mixed together.

Gugelhupf and marble cake are experiencing new popularity
A delicious alternative to the well-tried muffins make the lovingly and elaborately decorated „Cupcakes“ Although they are similar in shape to cupcakes, they are usually sweeter, made from batter and decorated with a coating of cream or frosting. In addition to these new trends from the US, the aid will also be „German classics“ such as the Gugelhupf, marble cake or Black Forest cake among hobby bakers again more popular. Combined with other ingredients would be interesting new discoveries: „So Gugelhupf gets from grandma's cookbook with poppy seeds and eggnog or berry fruits a special touch“

Image: Astrid Götze-Happe