Mothers & Fathers differences in perception

Mothers & Fathers differences in perception / Health News

Mothers and fathers: In children's health different perceptions

Mothers and fathers have a different perception of children's health. A Forsa survey on child health on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has found grave differences in the child's perception of mothers and fathers.

On behalf of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), the opinion research institute Forsa surveyed 1,000 people in Germany this January. Prerequisite for the representative survey was that in the surveyed household a child lives between six and 18 years. They found that 15 percent of mothers had noticed that their child was suffering from headaches or frequent colds. For the fathers, this was only 4 percent of respondents.

This emerges from a recent Forsa survey on child health on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). In addition, mothers reported five times more frequently that their child suffers from respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis. Only three percent of the fathers took appropriate complaints of their offspring. For respiratory diseases such as bronchitis or asthma, the mothers were even five times more likely. Here it was only three percent of the men who had even noticed that their child was suffering from respiratory problems.

The symptom complex of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has also been widely disseminated by men and women. As many as eight percent of the fathers had noticed their child's symptoms, while the mothers' values ​​were 50 percent higher. The same with children's sleep disorders: only seven percent of the fathers had experienced something unusual. And for the mothers, the value was also 50 percent higher.

In the TK press release, the graduate psychologist and board member of the Psychotherapeutic Chamber Hamburg, Claus Gieseke, explains possible reasons for the differences: „Most children are still cared for by the mothers. It is they who recognize their children's complaints and take care of them. Fathers do not get the symptoms or they do not perceive them as such. "In addition, women would deal with illness symptoms more actively and transparently, in fact, the results confirm only what has been known for years: whoever spends more time with the child naturally has a clearer impression of how he is doing (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 19.02.2010)

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