Muesli slows down medication

Muesli slows down medication / Health News

Absorption of active ingredients delayed by cereals


A fiber-rich diet is basically good for your health, such as stimulating digestion. Dietary fiber binds harmful substances in the digestive tract and thus ensure that they do not enter the body. But fiber, such as in cereal, may also delay the absorption of drugs.

Let time pass between cereals and medicines
A diet high in fiber is basically good for your health. So a high-fiber diet, for example, with plenty of whole grains, is beneficial for digestion and a well-suited home remedy for constipation. In the digestive tract are also bound by the fiber pollutants that would otherwise enter the body. The family doctor dr. Petra Weitzel warned in the patient magazine „family doctor“ (2/2014): „However, taking medicines with cereals or wholemeal bread will be a disadvantage.“ Because of the dietary fiber intake of the active ingredients in the small intestine can be delayed. Above all, this applies to painkillers and cholesterol-lowering drugs. The doctor further explained: „It would be better to let two hours pass between cereal consumption and medication.“

Gradually switch to more fiber
Although fiber is good for your health, people who want to add more to their diet should do so only gradually. As the German Green Cross (DGK) recently announced in Marburg, the dietary fiber content in this diet should only be increased slowly. People who change their diet abruptly and have so far eaten only a few whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables may experience discomfort such as bloating, abdominal pain or pressure. Fiber is said to reduce the risk of certain diseases such as breast cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. (Sb)

Picture: Marianne J.