Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease with a high number of unreported cases

Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease with a high number of unreported cases / Health News

Illness is weaker in women, but is less often recognized


„misfortunes never come singly“ - Unfortunately, this saying does not stop with illnesses. Women who often suffer from severe back problems should take special care to heart. If additional symptoms such as joint discomfort, red, sore eyes, photosensitivity or digestive problems are added to the agonizing pain in the back, they may suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. Since the rheumatic-inflammatory disease is milder in women, it often remains unrecognized. Because an early start of therapy can influence the course of the disease favorably, women should go to the rheumatologist in case of suspicion in time. In addition to conventional medicine, he also resorts to alternative healing methods such as cold and heat treatments or therapies with radon.

„In most patients, the disease begins in adolescence. Pain in the lumbar and gluteal region, which often occurs at night and in the morning, are typical signs“, clarifies Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, Bechterew expert and medical director of the Gastein Heilstollen. Morning stiffness in the limbs that lasts longer, or pain that diminishes during exercise that worsen during rest periods, indicate ankylosing spondylitis. In addition to pain, chronic fatigue and a slowly progressive stiffening of the spine make life more difficult for those affected. In the well-known under the name Bechterewsche disease rheumatism form, it comes to a malfunction of the immune system. The body's own defense cells migrate into the tissue and trigger an inflammatory reaction. „Similar causes are also underlying the often observed concomitant diseases such as eye inflammation or inflammatory bowel disease“, clarifies Univ.-Doz. Dr. hölzl.

As with other rheumatic diseases, in the case of ankylosing spondylitis, heat and cold therapies also help to reduce indicated medications and their serious side effects. They relieve pain and stiffness by promoting blood circulation. Radon therapy is also good for many patients. Radon releases mild alpha rays in the body that stimulate cell repair mechanisms and reduce the activity of inflammatory cells and painkillers. Most effective seems to be a combination of radon and heat. In addition to the effects of radon and heat, patients benefit from the fact that the body absorbs radon better in a slightly overheated state. Scientific studies confirm the so-called radon heat therapy success rates between 80 and 90 percent. „Radon heat therapy, for example, causes a significant reduction in pressure pain, pain intensity, functional limitations and drug consumption“, knows Dr. Hölzl. For the Radonwärmetherapie patients drive into the interior of a mountain in which the healthy climate occurs naturally. Health insurance companies pay about 90 percent of the costs. (Pm)