Fashion drug Wizard more dangerous than LSD

Fashion drug Wizard more dangerous than LSD / Health News

Wizard - new fashion drug is more dangerous than ecstasy and LSD.


The new fashion drug Wizard is on the rise - even in Germany, like the site „“ reported. The drug discovered by a German drug is much more dangerous than comparatively LSD or ecstasy. Even the smallest amounts can be fatal, also because consumers can not dose such small amounts with the naked eye, so the „Addiction help Vienna“ in March 2013.

Already one millionth of a gram of the active ingredient 25I-NBOMe, which was discovered in 2003 by a German in the context of his doctoral thesis is deadly. The drug is administered on paper or in pill form, taken orally. The effect is similar to ecstasy, but much stronger.

Consumers confuse the drug with ecstasy or LSD
The drug is currently overrunning the Australian market, according to Australian authorities. A police spokesman voiced „“, the drug can easily be confused with others: „People assume it's ecstasy or LSD, but that's not the kind of drug. It is much more effective. It is very, very dangerous.“

Horror trips and circulatory problems
The drug can cause hallucinations, psychosis, dizziness, extreme aggression, palpitations, convulsions, and nerve and organ damage. Loud „“ The drug has already led to some deaths: Thus, a consumer died after he had repeatedly run against trees and electricity pylons, another was in the belief that he could fly, jumped from a balcony.

Consumers from Germany reported loudly ““ from „nightmarish experiences as well as that you were triggered again after the subsequent consumption of cannabis“. Besides, so ““, have it "after overdoses already given deaths". (Jp)

Picture: Bernd Kasper