Men go to the dentist only when in pain

Men go to the dentist only when in pain / Health News

More men than women go to the dentist only when in pain


Many people are most afraid of visiting the dentist. The women seem to be more continuous and self-confident. According to a representative survey, about one third of men only go to the dentist when they suffer from agonizing toothache. And even then, many still shy away from going to the dentist. Many hesitate even then the visit to the dentist and go only when there is no other option. Only about one woman in five does the same thing as the anxious men.

A lot of men do not go to the dentist. Even if complaints have already set, many male patients shy away from the whole to the doctor. As shown by a survey study commissioned by the „pharmacy magazine“, carried out by the Opinion and Research Institute GfK. Accordingly, go „Almost a third of men in principle only to the dentist, if already have set a toothache.“

Women are less afraid of the dentist
The women interviewed were less anxious. Only 16.5 percent of the patients do not go to the dentist's office until pain is felt. And even if there is already a strong toothache, many men are still reluctant to consult a dentist.

33.5 percent of male respondents declined to take painkillers or use home remedies first. Only when the complaints „become unbearable“, Every third person goes to the dentist. In the survey, GfK Marktforschung surveyed exactly 2070 women and men over the age of 14. (Sb)

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Image: Rainer Grasses