MMS agent Miracle Mineral Supplement dangerous

MMS agent Miracle Mineral Supplement dangerous / Health News
MMS: "miracle cure" can cause serious health damage


The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) warns of the supposed miracle drug "Miracle Mineral Supplement" (MMS). It is advertised on the Internet as a cure for cancer, hepatitis, malaria, chronic infections and other serious diseases. In fact, MMS is suspected of causing serious health problems rather than curing illnesses.

MMS was classified as a drug subject to authorization
The BfArM has classified two products - MMS and MMS2 - as questionable, "because there is a reasonable suspicion that they have harmful effects when used as intended, which go beyond a reasonable level," it says in a statement of the Federal Institute. In addition, both products were classified as authorized medicinal products. "Medicinal products subject to authorization may only be placed on the market if they have been proven to be effective, safe and of quality in an official approval procedure," emphasizes the BfArM. This will allow country authorities responsible for controlling drug traffic to take action to protect patients. For example, they may ban the distribution of the products.

The BfArM has also classified MMS as a so-called presentation drug. This includes products that "promise to cure, alleviate or prevent disease". In contrast to functional drugs, however, "it is not the pharmacological effect of a substance that is decisive, but rather the advertising and advertising of a product" and how it is subsequently understood by the consumer ", informs the Federal Institute. "With this dichotomy, the legislature wants to ensure that on the one hand products, which are advertised with a therapeutic statement, and on the other hand products with pharmacological properties, even without appropriate statement, in the sense of preventive patient protection are controlled under drug law and not be placed on the market without official approval allowed."

Miracle Mineral Supplement can cause serious eye damage and skin burns
MMS consists of the MMS solution containing the oxidizing agent sodium chlorite and the MMS2 capsules containing the chemical calcium hypochlorite and a citric acid also available on the internet. Mixing the three agents together creates the toxic gas chlorine dioxide.

"Chlorine dioxide is used as a paper bleach and for the disinfection of drinking water and causes severe skin burns and serious eye damage," warns the BfArM. "Poison emergency centers have cases of vomiting, respiratory disorders and skin acid burns when taking MMS." Patients in the UK, Canada, France, Switzerland and the US also experience nausea and vomiting or diarrhea, kidney failure, esophageal burns after taking MMS and respiratory disorders due to damage to red blood cells.

The BfArM had already warned last year about the products that are distributed via the Internet. However, a classification as a drug was only possible after a state authority had submitted a corresponding application for examination. (Ag)