Contaminated with Noroviruses Aldi is recalling tons of strawberries

Contaminated with Noroviruses Aldi is recalling tons of strawberries / Health News
Noroviruses identified: Aldi Nord recalls frozen strawberries
Frost Import GmbH calls back frozen strawberries traded at Aldi Nord. The products in question may be contaminated with norovirus. The viruses can cause severe vomiting in humans.

Strawberries and berry mix could be contaminated
Thousands of frozen strawberries from strawberries traded at Aldi Nord may be contaminated with norovirus. Frost Import GmbH has therefore started a recall campaign for the articles. According to the information, two products are affected: "Golden Fruit" strawberries, lot 150606, best before 28.04.2017 and "Golden Fruit" berry mixture, lot 150656, best before 05.05.2017. The noroviruses have been detected during routine controls in a frozen frozen strawberry sample.

The supermarket chain calls back strawberries from the trade. Consumers are requested to return the goods for reimbursement of the purchase price. (Image: bergamont / Fotolia)

Do not eat affected products
On the portal "" of the federal states and the Federal Office for consumer protection is warned against "to consume the mentioned products". It was informed that "the sale by the supplied Aldi companies was stopped immediately". Customers who have purchased the items in question can "return them for reimbursement of the purchase price at their Aldi store". Other varieties of the producer are not reported to be affected.

Serious health risk

Norovirus infection typically causes severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting in humans. Mostly come to severe abdominal pain and muscle pain. In some cases, mild fever and headache also occur. The severe vomiting can lead to dehydration. The Norovirus is highly contagious and especially for already weakened persons a serious health risk. Canadian researchers have recently discovered that Norovirus can also fly far in the air. Previously, it was assumed that the viruses are transmitted fecal-oral or by oral intake. The best protection against infection is a consistent hygiene. (Ad)