Discuss misunderstandings with psychotherapists

Discuss misunderstandings with psychotherapists / Health News

Psychology: Trust between patient and psychotherapist is important for treatment success


Patients should openly address misunderstandings between them and their psychotherapist. The head of the professional association of German psychiatrists (BVDP) in Krefeld, Christa Roth-Sackenheim, points this out to the news agency „dpa“ out. For the success of the treatment the establishment of a trusting relationship between patient and psychotherapist is very important.

Painful steps during psychotherapy are often part of the therapy progression
In order to be able to talk about problems and very personal matters, a relationship of trust between patient and psychotherapist is essential. This is why it is especially important to be open-minded when the patient feels misunderstood or misunderstood by his therapist, as Christa Roth-Sackenheim of the BVDP explains. In addition, patients should also point out worsening of their condition or the appearance of new symptoms in a timely manner. Otherwise, the success of the treatment could be jeopardized.

As part of a psychotherapy usually initially five rehearsal sessions in which the patient has time to find out if he can build a trusting relationship with the psychotherapist. At the same time, the therapist makes the diagnosis. If the patient develops any developments that he himself finds difficult, he should talk about them. Painful steps are often part of the therapy progression, as Roth-Sackenheim reports. However, if there is no improvement after ten to twenty therapy sessions, it may be necessary to change the therapeutic procedure or change the therapist.

Waiting for psychotherapy place is often very long
The great demand for psychotherapy is currently counteracted by an insufficient number of psychotherapists with a cash register. Patients therefore often have to wait several months for a treatment place. In order to get help quickly, a reimbursement by the statutory health insurance is also possible for a therapy with a psychotherapist without a cash register, if the patient otherwise would have to wait more than three months for a therapy place. This is indicated by the Federal Psychotherapy Chamber (BptK). Patients should keep a record of the futile search for a licensed health care practitioner. In addition, a certificate was required that the therapy was necessary and urgent, which could be issued by a general practitioner or specialist. In addition, the person concerned should have already contacted a private psychotherapist, who in turn had to confirm that the treatment could take place in the short term and that „Expertise in a policy procedure“ The BptK informs in a brochure. (Ag)

Picture: Daniela B.