Malformations due to drug Duogynon?

Malformations due to drug Duogynon? / Health News

Pregnancy test Duogynon on trial

New pharmaceutical scandal? The drug Duogynon is suspected to have favored severe malformations. An injured party today sued in the Berlin district court for the publication of all documents of the pharmaceutical company Bayer-Schering.


The hormone preparation "Duogynon" of the former pharmaceutical company Schering is suspected to have caused severe malformations in children. Today Bayer-Schering Group has once again to answer to the court. Bayer took over Schering four years ago and thus succeeds in legal succession.

Some 30 years ago, it was alleged that medicines "Duogynon" have caused severe malformations in children. But the procedure was discontinued at that time. Now a new procedure will be opened in Berlin. A teacher from Bavaria demands a model suit in order to make possible according to own data possible compensation payments and complaints also for further injured ones. The claimant demands that Bayer-Schering inspect all documents of the suspected drug. Bayer took over the Schering Group four years ago and now has to answer to the court as legal successor.

Duogynon as a pregnancy test
The drug was prescribed to women in the 1970s to test for possible pregnancy. According to the media, about 1,000 women were born in the following years children with severe disabilities. The women had taken the drug in early pregnancy. Numerous children showed disabilities such as a water head, open back, open stomach up to severe malformations of the internal organs. In September 1980, the then pharmaceutical company Schering announced that the treatment „secondary amenorrhea“ by „Duogynon“ medical „is outdated“. In October of the same year, the then Schering Group stopped the production of Duogynon and took the funds from the drug market.

In the case being heard today, the mother of the injured party received the remedy in 1975 as a pregnancy test. During this time, the hormone preparation in the UK was already banned for use. In Germany was „Duogynon“ but used until the end of the 70s. Born in Bavaria, the teacher André S. was born in 1976 with severe malformations of the bladder and genital organs. As a result, the person had to undergo numerous medical interventions. As a result, the plaintiff has had an artificial urinary output since the operations.

Bayer-Schering sees no causal relationship
The Bayer-Schering Group, however, rejects all allegations. So a company spokesman said: „The topic was extensively and juridically and scientifically discussed in the 60s and 70s. Since then there are no new findings“. There would be no apparent link between the pregnancy test at that time and the malformations of the children. Already when filing the lawsuit, the pharmaceutical company said: "A causality between the malformations and the product could not be determined here.".

The Berlin lawyer Heynemann represents around 200 Duogynon victims from all over Germany. He refers to data of the Federal Health Office, which were put together at that time. Based on the data, it can be seen that there is a "statistical significance" between the use of the remedy and malformations in children, said the lawyer. In addition, it can be seen that the risk of disability by Duogynon was just as great as with the drug "Contergan".

The drug was then prescribed either as a dragee or injection both as a pregnancy test as well as for the treatment of missed menstrual bleeding. After only one week of administration, the menstrual period began. The hormonal drug is out „progesterone“ and „estradiol“composed. Even then, however, it was known that bleeding can start although there is a pregnancy. Tonight, the plaintiff in the RTL broadcast „Stern TV“ report on the procedure and the suffering of those affected.

The procedure is listed under file number AZ: 1 Wi Js 329/78. The information claim should serve as a basis for subsequent claims for damages against Bayer-Schering. The group could then be sued for damages in the millions, if a connection is proven beyond doubt. (Sb)

Also read:
Teacher sues Bayer over Duogynon
The honored studies of the pharmaceutical industry

Picture credits: Ernst Rose