Minister warns impoverishment through gambling addiction

Gambling: Minister warns of poverty danger in gambling addicts
The hope for the big gain leads to some people that they play uncontrollably or even gambling addicted. The Baden-Wuerttemberg Minister of Social Affairs Katrin Altpeter (SPD) has now warned against the risk of poverty due to gambling addiction.
Gambling addiction also endangers families
The Baden-Wuerttemberg Minister of Social Affairs Katrin Altpeter (SPD) has warned on the occasion of this year's action day against gambling addiction on 25 September from indebtedness and impoverishment as a result of this addiction. In a press release from her ministry, the politician said: „Once gambling has become an addiction, the disease determines everyday life.“ Not only those affected, but also their families are at risk. Due to the high sums of money that a pathological player needs, the financial possibilities of the family would often be exceeded. „As a rule, the affected person's family bears all the consequences of indebtedness and impoverishment“, said the minister.
Especially young men are at risk
Often unemployment, the loss of housing and the lack of food and clothing are the result, in addition to social consequences such as separation and loneliness. According to a representative survey of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) published in 2014, particularly young men are at risk. Of the 18 to 20-year-old male gamblers interviewed in 2013, over nine percent were therefore in favor „problematic“ or „pathological“ Game behavior, as Mrs Altpeter announced. The Minister of Social Affairs advises those affected to seek help, for example from counseling centers, which, inter alia, on the website „“ can be found.
Gambling addiction is an impulse disorder
According to the so-called diagnostic classification system („International Classification of Diseases“) of the World Health Organization (WHO) - called the ICD „pathological play“ defined as F63.0. This coding belongs to the impulse disturbances. While these disturbances are consciously experienced, they are difficult to prevent on their own initiative. Afflicted by these behaviors trigger an unpleasant state of tension for them and are driven by inner restlessness. Such behavioral disorders are common throughout society. (Ad)
Picture: Rainer Sturm