Anthrax sausages and corned beef contaminated?

Anthrax sausages and corned beef contaminated? / Health News

Anthrax: Sausages and corned beef contaminated?


Authorities warn against eating certain sausages and corned beef. These could possibly be contaminated with the anthrax pathogen. In a Polish cattle operation, the dangerous pathogen had been detected last month. The meat from at least two animals could also be sold in Germany.

Recall due to microbiological contamination
The corned beef of the Bremer company Könecke and beef sausages from Augsburg may be contaminated with anthrax, warn the authorities, according to a message from the news agency dpa before eating these foods. Accordingly, the company recalled the corned beef for microbiological contamination. A company spokesman had said on Friday that it could not be ruled out that the processed cattle in the product had been infected with anthrax. However, investigations have so far revealed no evidence of infestation with the anthrax pathogen. It is therefore a pure precaution.

Ministry assumes a low risk
Anthrax is an infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans and in the worst case can be fatal. Even as a bioweapon, the pathogen Bacillus anthracis has already been used. In the year before, there were at least two deaths from the anthrax virus in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the pathogen was probably from contaminated heroin from Great Britain to Germany. In the current case, according to the Lower Saxony Consumer Protection Ministry, however, only a small hazard can be assumed.

Products are also withdrawn without a receipt
The affected products of the Bremen-based company are involved „Könecke German Corned Beef“ such as „Redlefsen German Corned Beef“. Self-service packs of sliced ​​meats sold at the Penny, Aldi Nord, Dohle and Kaufland supermarket chains, which have since been taken out of the sale. In the shops, the products are reportedly withdrawn without a receipt for a refund of the purchase price.

Also in Bavaria is warned
Also in Bavaria was warned because of the anthrax suspicion of the consumption of sausages sold in Augsburg. Both the meat of these sausages and the corned beef produced by Könecke may have come from a Polish farm that had been infected with anthrax in September. However, the meat from two slaughtered animals was then on sale and could have been delivered to the two German cities. According to the dpa called the government district of Swabia to eat the beef sausages from several dealers in the city and district of Augsburg. It was said that the beef sausages are „possibly bacterially contaminated“. Customers who have bought or have already eaten sausages should contact the government agency. (Ad)

Image: BrokenSphere - Own work, Wikipedia