Mild winter makes for early pollen

Mild winter makes for early pollen / Health News

First hazel pollen in the air - Early onset of suffering for hay fever patients


The extremely mild winter is associated with an especially early beginning of the pollen season for allergy sufferers. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the first hazelnuts are already in the air in many regions.

The pollen allergy (hay fever) is one of the most common allergic complaints. Many sufferers are allowed only during the winter a short breather, in which they can breathe freely. If the winter is particularly mild, this pollen break is considerably shortened. Thus, the first hazel pollen is presently detectable again and has the suffering of allergy sufferers

Already in the last year the allergy sufferers had to fight in view of the mild winter with a particularly early beginning of the pollen season. Also this year the hazelnuts are extremely early in the air. Due to the temperatures of up to 15 degrees Celsius, the hazelnut shrubs are already in bloom in many places. The Pollenflugkalender of the German Weather Service shows, inter alia, in western Lower Saxony, in North Rhine-Westphalia, in Saarland and in western Baden-Württemberg first signs of pollen. If symptoms such as itching, runny nose or coughing show no apparent cause, this may be related to pollen allergy and the flying of the hazel pollen. (Fp)

Picture: M. Grossmann