Mild, sweet or bitter These salads promote good health

Mild, sweet or bitter These salads promote good health / Health News
Variety of salads: Also try other salads

Scarred or smooth, mild or bitter - many varieties come at this time of year from local outdoor cultivation. The most popular in this country is the lettuce, which is available all year round, as informed by the consumer information service "aid". The experts give valuable tips on the subject of salad.

Variety in the salad
From a botanical point of view, lettuce is divided into two groups: the lettuce group, whose salads give off a milky liquid at the start and contain only a few bitter substances, and the chicory group, whose salads are characterized by a stronger and bitter taste. They are also richer in vitamins and minerals. These include endive, chicory and radicchio. Lattich group representatives include lettuce, iceberg, batavia and romaine lettuce.

In addition to the lettuce in Germany, the iceberg lettuce - also called ice lettuce - enjoys great popularity, although he has no pronounced taste. But he remains with dressing long crisp and fresh. "A close relative of the ice lettuce is the red-green Batavia. The aroma is stronger than the lettuce, the leaves are crisp and stay fresh longer, "the consumer information service said.

Lollo Rosso and Lollo Biancobilden do not form a head but a rosette. Their leaves are reddish or yellowish-green in color and they are very curly, so they are also suitable for decorating other dishes. Their taste is characterized by a fine nut aroma with a tart note. "Endive and Radicchio belong to the Zicchoriengruppe and have a bitter taste. They are ideal for mixed salads, "reports the information service on its website. (Ag)

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