Milk harms the milk teeth

Milk harms the milk teeth / Health News

Milk can also lead to the development of tooth decay


The preservation and care of the milk teeth are out „Dental and orthodontic view extremely important“, reports the proDente initiative. Because once in the deciduous dentition spread caries, the risk for the permanent dentition was significantly increased. In order to avoid the development of tooth decay, sugary drinks such as sweetened tea or fruit juice should be avoided as far as possible. But even milk can damage the teeth if it is constantly in the mouth, reports the proDente initiative.

The sugary drinks do not belong in the Nuckelflasche, is known to most parents. But very few people see milk as a threat to their children's dental health. If the teeth are constantly lapped with milk, however, this can also lead to the development of tooth decay, reports proDente. Cause is the contained milk sugar (lactose), which attacks the teeth over time. Instead of milk, parents should therefore offer their child only water or unsweetened tea.

Nipple bottle caries is a growing problem
The dental health of babies and toddlers will be the focus of this year's Dental Health Day on 25th September. In particular, the so-called Nuckelflaschenkaries prepares the experts here increasingly concern. „While dental caries among schoolchildren has declined in recent years, the caries among children aged zero to three years, the so-called childhood caries, has increased“, warns the proDente initiative. Many parents would give their children nipple bottles with milk, sweet tea or juice. „Due to the permanent bottle nipple, often even at night for self-service of the toddler, the teeth are constantly lapped by sweet or sour and thus damaged“, explained Professor Dietmar Oesterreich, Vice President of the Federal Dental Association. Due to the bacteria in the mouth, the sugar is converted to acid, which decalcifies the tooth and slowly disrupts it.

Milk sugar damages the teeth
„It is important to note that not only the traditional white sugar (sucrose), which is often used in the home, damages the teeth, but also the sugar contained in milk, the so-called lactose“, This is the message of the proDente initiative. Therefore, parents should their children's sucking bottle, according to the experts in no case left to persist. Also, water or unsweetened tea are preferable to milk and „as soon as the child can sit, these drinks can and should be served out of the cup“, reports proDente. If the children develop tooth decay, it is important, according to the experts, to consult a dentist in a timely manner. „The first signs of caries are white spots on the affected deciduous teeth, especially on the upper incisors“, explained the initiative. Within a short time the typical brown discolorations would develop from the stains, which, if further progressing, causes pain and, if necessary, tooth loss.

Healthy baby teeth important for development
The proDente initiative further stated that baby bottle caries is not just a cosmetic problem. Because healthy milk teeth would be the prerequisite „for a healthy development of the child and can lead to chewing, speech and social developmental disorders in case of loss.“ Professor Oesterreich emphasized that children with incisor loss often experience social exclusion. The proDente initiative therefore advocates for this „systematic dental check-ups for infants“, the early detection examination among others „preventive and health-promoting measures for parents about proper oral hygiene and healthy eating“ should include. (Fp)

Picture: Helene Souza