Milk, Cheese, Mettwurst Many foods come from sick animals

Milk, Cheese, Mettwurst Many foods come from sick animals / Health News
Every fourth animal product won by a sick animal
Foods with animal ingredients are widely used, but they are often derived from sick animals, according to the latest Communication from consumer protection organization Foodwatch. At least every fourth animal product has been derived from sick animals, reports Foodwatch. The products of sick animals are regularly offered as "healthy" foods.

Many people pay attention to their diet and focus on healthy food. A waiver of animal ingredients in the form of a vegan diet, however, is still the exception to this day. However, the animal products are often obtained from sick animals. "They buy milk from cows with inflamed udders and eggs from chickens with broken bones," said Foodwatch. Consumers would have to assume that a significant proportion of the animal product comes from a sick animal. This can not be seen when shopping.

About every tenth liter of milk comes from an infected udder and a total of at least every fourth animal product is obtained from a sick animal. (Image: Fotolyse /

Every tenth liter of milk from an inflamed udder
For example, according to the Consumer Protection Organization, "at least every second dairy cow is diagnosed with postural habits once a year, which are largely preventable." About one in ten liters of milk comes from a cow with an inflamed udder. In pigs, it has been shown in slaughterhouse findings that about every second animal suffered from postural diseases and, statistically speaking, at least one in four processed broilers had previously been a sick cock. Four out of ten eggs are from a hen with broken bones, according to Foodwatch. Although the studies evaluated can only be approximated in the face of mixed data, consumers must take as a rule of thumb that every fourth animal product comes from a sick animal, Foodwatch continues.

No significant difference in the organic attitude
On the disease patterns of animals, the consumer organization explains that dairy cows regularly suffer from lameness, fertility and metabolic disorders and mastitis. In pigs, according to the study, chronic joint diseases and organ changes are the most common clinical pictures. "In chickens, numerous symptoms are found, such as joint disease, sternum damage, fractures, tubal inflammation, worm infestation and footpad changes," reports Foodwatch. In addition, there are no significant differences between conventional and organic farming, between small farms and large farms. "Decisive for the health of the animals is above all the quality of the operational management", so the conclusion of the consumer advocates.

Wrong incentives in the system
However, the fundamental mistake lies in the system Foodwatch, which sets the wrong incentives. "Above all, the trade is responsible for a competition that is not about quality, but only about the price - this can only be at the expense of animals, farmers and ultimately customers," said Matthias Wolfschmidt, veterinarian and campaign manager of Foodwatch. When it comes to animal husbandry, so far almost only about formal criteria such as space requirements or design of the stables spoken, but this was far too short. That a large part of the livestock suffering from massive disease symptoms, are concealed and done nothing for cost reasons. Because even from sick animals can still win food.

Clearly defined solutions
In his latest release, Foodwatch also refers to the possible solutions proposed by Matthias Wolfschmidt in the new book "The Pig System". These include, for example, statutory requirements for animal-friendly husbandry in all livestock or the detection of the occurrence of husbandry-related diseases for each farm with subsequent derivation of binding targets, which are based on the best companies in the industry. In addition, only those products with animal components that are proven to comply with the animal welfare requirements should come onto the market. Last but not least, such a "concept must be implemented across the EU, combined with a marketing ban for non-animal-friendly food produced from third countries," explains Wolfschmidt.

Higher food prices required
"If we have animals for food production, then we owe all of them the best possible circumstances," says the Foodwatch expert. Niche productions, animal welfare labels or 0-1-2-3 labels are therefore not the solution, "but only clear legal requirements and corresponding remuneration of animal welfare services of farmers." In order to establish the said standards, the trade and the food industry would have the However, animal owners would pay better, which would ultimately lead to higher prices for consumers. "But if you really want to improve the life of hundreds of thousands of sick animals, you have to pay the price," Wolfschmidt concludes. (Fp)