Microplastic proven in mineral water and beer

Microplastic proven in mineral water and beer / Health News

Microplastic in mineral water and beer


According to research by the NDR consumer magazine „market“ Microscopic fibers made of plastic were discovered in various mineral waters and beers from renowned breweries. The German brewers defend themselves against the allegations and refer to their own investigations.

Beer and mineral water with plastic fibers
Research by the NDR Business and Consumer Magazine „market“ have shown that various mineral waters and beers are partially contaminated with microscopic plastic fibers. It is believed that these fibers could come from textiles made of so-called fleece material. During washing, such plastic fibers can be released into the environment via the waste water and spread there, possibly leading to the production of beverages. According to NDR, the analyzed mineral waters and beers are the best-selling brands in Germany. All the drinks examined contained microplastic.

No limits set
On behalf of the „market“-Editing was carried out by Prof. Gerd Liebezeit, formerly Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea of ​​Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg, today MarChemConsult. The plastic fibers were "discovered in mineral waters of large discounters and in beers of the varieties Pilsener and wheat beer of well-known breweries". Peak values ​​were 78.8 fibers in one liter of beer and 7.3 fibers in a water. Although no limits have been set, scientists have indicated that as little as possible should be included. Pollution with microplastics is a general environmental problem. Prof. Liebezeit said: „We have discovered the synthetic material widely, not only in food, but also in the air.“

Ministries do not feel responsible
Prof. Stephan Pflugmacher Lima, ecotoxicologist from the Institute of Ecology of the Technical University Berlin, explained: „Sooner or later, microplastics pose a danger to us humans.“ As his experiments with clams showed, such microplastic fibers accumulate in the tissue. This could even lead to the death of the animals in high concentrations. According to the NDR, both the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Ministry of Food have one „market“-Request stated not to be responsible for the problem and referred to the other department.

Brewers reject allegations
The German brewers fight back against the allegations. According to various press reports, the brewers themselves had commissioned investigations, including at the Technical University of Munich, to check the possible contamination. The managing director of the German Brewing Federation, Holger Eichele, said: „All beers were impeccable.“ Similarly, the mineral water producers have commented. However, they did not disclose their investigation methods to the NDR.

Plastic particles in honey and rainwater
Already last year had „market“ Plastic particles detected in food. At that time, the biologist Liebezeit had also found plastic fibers or residues thereof in four of the 19 varieties of honey studied. In addition, studies of rainwater had yielded positive findings. Prof. Liebezeit demanded that the use of plastic particles in cosmetics and cleaning products should be banned. Manufacturers had loud „market“ announced an early exit from the use of microplastics in the manufacture of their products. (Ad)

Picture: Thomas Meinert
Picture 2: Didi016351a2cc0b08c03>