Migraine When light becomes torture

Migraine When light becomes torture / Health News

Fight migraines with medication and relaxation


The headache that sufferers suffer from migraine attacks, many are unbearable for many. Noise becomes torture and light often a torture for the patients, they seek darkness. In addition to medication, natural remedies and methods, such as relaxation techniques, can bring relief to those affected.

Partly unbearable pain

Thunderstorm in the head, skull in a vise, steamroller in the head: migraine sufferers find many pictures to describe their sometimes unbearable pain attacks. Nina R. from Dusseldorf compares her with heavy equipment: „It feels as if a jackhammer rages in your head“, when she is hit by a migraine attack. Similar to the 35-year-olds, up to eighteen percent of the German population also suffer at least occasionally from the neurological disease, which is about three times as common in women as it is in men.

Patients seek the darkness

Migraine is characterized by recurring, seizure-like, pulsating and mostly half-sided headache. The term migraine comes from ancient Greek and means something like „half skull“. These are often accompanied by additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, photosensitivity (photophobia) or sensitivity to noise (phonophobia). Some patients also complain of severe tiredness and loss of appetite. Nina R. explained that for her on the migraine days „bright light, smells and loud noises“ really „to torture“ would. She then tries to find relief in the darkened bedroom.

Migraine is affected during seizure „fully under control“

The magazine „Focus Health“ is dedicated to the topic in one issue. It is said by Kasja Solbach, head of the West German Headache Center, which belongs to the University Hospital Essen: „Migraines have very clear symptoms.“ So a seizure persists between four hours and three days. „During this time, the migraine has the affected person fully under control“, explained the expert. Around one in ten experiences a so-called „Migraine with aura“, in which it comes to eye flicker, or light flashes suddenly dancing in front of the eyes, as the magazine writes.

Different factors for the development of migraine

According to a study by the Headache Center, 18 percent of Germans suffer from migraine at least occasionally. In about one percent of Germans, the disease is chronic. The exact causes of migraine and what is happening is scientifically not completely unraveled. However, it is believed that environmental factors and lifestyle play an essential role in the development of migraine. Among other things hormonal factors, a disturbed sleep and wakefulness, unregulated daily routines, overstimulation, stress and certain foods, such as coffee, red wine, chocolate or cheese are associated with it. However, some studies show that several of the assumptions are probably wrong. Since these possible trigger factors are individually very different, experts are advised to record experiences in a headache diary.

City residents and high school students more often affected

The Head of the Outpatient Outpatient Department at LMU Munich University Hospital, Andreas Straube, also stated loudly „Focus Health“: „The triggers for a migraine attack are individually very different.“ Stress is the most important trigger. City people and high school students are therefore more frequently affected than the rural population or secondary school students. In addition, especially in children in studies, a rapid increase in migraine diagnoses has been recorded. Controversial among medical professionals, whether in certain weather conditions more people suffer from seizures. Thus, for example, in the Alpine foothills due to the hair dryer in the population is often reported on an increased vulnerability.

Get a grip on migraines by natural means

Straube says from his experience in the headache outpatient department to recognize a penchant for perfectionism among migraineurs: „Many patients are overly dedicated and dutiful. Many lack the ability to say no.“ Also Nina R. seems to fit into the scheme. „Despite migraine attacks, I tried to bring the full power in the work. I was afraid of being perceived by colleagues as quittering and sensitive.“ However, rest and relaxation have brought the Dusseldorf woman much more. Many sufferers can get their complaints through home remedies for migraines under control. Regular daily routines, sufficient sleep, regular exercise, relaxation exercises such as autogenic training, yoga or tai chi, and a balanced diet based on basic foods are helpful. In addition, great emphasis should be placed on reducing stress.

Many patients take high-dose medications

Across from „Focus Health“ said the neurologist Kasja Solbach: „How a migraine feels, healthy people can hardly empathize.“ It is not enough to throw in an aspirin tablet. „We have good treatment options that many patients do not achieve because even many a physician knows too little about headaches“, Solbach. Headaches themselves are not recognized as a disease, even though millions of people suffered from it. Many people take high-dose painkillers. Nina R. has indeed read that although drugs such as beta-blockers or antidepressants to prevent migraine attacks, but she relies on natural aids. Doctors would not know why these drugs were preventative anyway. (Ad)