Migraines and Co For frequent headaches urgent to the doctor

Migraines and Co For frequent headaches urgent to the doctor / Health News
Specific medical treatment: Do not just take frequent headaches
According to health experts, around eight million Germans suffer from recurring headaches. Many then resort quickly to drugs that are usually available without a prescription in the pharmacy. But they can make the problem worse. Experts recommend a specialist diagnosis and a subsequent targeted treatment.

Permanent pain can lead to changes in the body
Around eight million people repeatedly suffer from headaches or migraines. Health experts warn against dismissing the recurring symptoms as annoying. Rather, sufferers should turn to a doctor, "because permanent pain can lead to changes in the body and make the nervous system more sensitive," explains. Bergmann vom Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte e.V. (BVDN) on the website "neurologen-im-netz.org".

Anyone who suffers from headaches over and over again should not simply accept the symptoms, but turn to a doctor. Because permanent pain can lead to changes in the body. (Image: gpointstudio / fotolia.com)

Frequent medication can make the problem worse
"As a result, it can lead to ongoing pain, the pain can become independent and can also extend to other parts of the body," said the doctor.

Although medications can bring "a rapid relief in migraines and tension headaches," it says on the website. But the handle on the headache tablet should not become a habit for those affected. Because if taken incorrectly and frequently, painkillers can cause permanent headaches.

Alleviate complaints by natural means
For milder ailments, simple tricks for headaches are often more effective than remedies anyway. For example, a few drops of lemon balm are applied to a piece of sugar and taken a well-known home remedy for headache. (Ad)