Migraine stress or chocolate no triggers

Migraine stress or chocolate no triggers / Health News

Stress and chocolate are not triggers for migraine attacks

At the beginning of the German Pain Congress 2010 in Mannheim, the Rostock doctor and expert on headache, Peter Kropp, declared that migraine is not triggered by chocolate or stress. It is also a mistake during a migraine to avoid possible triggers.

Today, the German Pain Congress began in Mannheim in 2010. At the beginning of the congress, the expert in migraine and headaches, Dr. med. Peter Kropp, stress or chocolate, for example, do not trigger migraine attacks. In addition, it was a mistake to assume that one should avoid possible causes at the time of pain. Many patients, for example, avoid drinks such as champagne or wine to avoid migraines. However, recent studies have shown that such avoidance tactics can only exacerbate the symptoms. The head should be used to the trigger. If, for example, white wine triggers a migraine, those affected should drink a regular occasionally a glass, so the almost revolutionary knowledge. The result is also the same when the wine is heavily diluted. "Often it was precisely the errors that led to visions and thus to better treatment options," says headache expert Prof. Dr. med. Peter Kropp.

Chocolate no trigger for migraine
70 percent of migraine sufferers report that they feel cravings for something sweet before a pain attack. Many associate these two factors with each other and assume that the chocolate ultimately triggered the migraine. However, one study has proven that sweets are not triggers. The cravings as such are a signal before the actual migraine attack. The Pain Congress will take place until October 10th. A program can be viewed here. (sb, 06.10.2010)

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