Migraine Lasting diet change stopped the headache

Migraine Lasting diet change stopped the headache / Health News
Woman has no more migraines after 25 years thanks to a change in diet
Throbbing headaches, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting: migraine is now one of the common diseases and affects in this country alone six to eight million people. The complaints are often treated with medication. But sometimes natural methods can help. So also with a Britin. The woman suffered from severe migraine for 25 years; now the pain is gone thanks to a change in diet.

Migraine sufferers are disabled
Almost one in ten Germans suffers from migraine. Affected persons can be put out of action by the illness. Typical are throbbing, hammering and one-sided headache. Often, other complaints such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and loss of appetite are added. In addition, many sufferers are noisy and sensitive to light. Andrea Henson also suffered from severe migraines for 25 years. The woman from the UK is now free of complaints. Helped you have a diet change.

A woman from the UK suffered from severe migraine attacks for 25 years. Then she changed her diet. Now the pain is gone. (Image: pathdoc / fotolia.com)

Britin suffered half a life under heavy attacks
According to a report by the British "Daily Mail", the 46-year-old woman suffered from severe migraine attacks for half her life. She even came to the hospital once with an embolism suspicion.

"That was certainly my worst experience," Henson told the newspaper. According to her, all sorts of investigations were carried out. "It was very scary and showed how bad migraine can be." The seizures had not been predictable: "They could come quickly and affect my eyesight, or start slowly and then last between one and three days."

Medications with side effects
The patient was given medication by the doctors, but these were "very strong, so I could only take a small dose - about four tablets a month". This meant that she had to save the pills for very strong attacks. The woman, however, regularly suffered from migraine. In addition, the drugs had strong side effects.

The patient was finally alerted to a test by a British company to identify food intolerances and allergies. As a result, Henson found that she can not tolerate cow's milk and corn. Both foods were therefore removed from the diet.

Diet change works
And this led to success: After she had changed her diet, it was no longer the usual weekly migraine attack. Overall, she has since had only three attacks. "After six weeks they were pretty much gone. I was astonished, "said the 46-year-old of the Daily Mail. It was a great liberation to take the always carried tablet out of the purse. "Migraine was a normal part of my life. Now I feel normal not to have her anymore, "says Henson. "The whole process has changed our lives and coping with my 25-year-old migraine hell is the icing on the cake."

Cause of migraine headache
It has long been known that diet and lifestyle can be the cause of migraine headaches. According to health experts, the symptoms can be, for example, signs of gluten intolerance. It is therefore not advisable to rush to medication. When taking such preparations, caution is required anyway. For migraine painkillers permanently lead to more seizures. Such medicines should be taken for a maximum of ten days a month.

Many patients can also get their complaints through home remedies for migraine. These include, among other things, a regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, regular exercise, relaxation exercises and a balanced diet. (Ad)