Migraines early detectable on MRI

Migraines early detectable on MRI / Health News

Migraine early detectable on MRI: Brain activity allows prediction of migraine attacks


Migraine seizures can be detected by changing brain activity in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) days before the actual headache spurts.

The next migraine attack can be detected at an early stage by changing activities of the nerve cells in the trigeminal system, reports the research team to Arne May from the University Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg in the current issue of the journal „Journal of Neuroscience“. For the first time, it has been possible to locate a brain region that will influence the appearance of the next migraine attack, said the Hamburg researchers.

Migraines - symptoms, causes and brain activity
Migraine is a relatively common neurophysiological disorder in which about 11 percent of the population in Germany suffer. Migraines are characterized by symptoms such as throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, balance disorders, tunnel vision, dizziness, speech problems, and numbness of the fingers and arms. The reasons for the occurrence of migraine attacks discussed in science are extremely complex and range from hormone level fluctuations, through diet, physical fitness, personal stress and alcohol consumption to the recently discussed migraine risk genes. It is still unclear which brain areas are crucial for the onset of a migraine attack. The scientists of the University Hospital Eppendorf have now examined in their study a possible connection of the migraine attacks with the brain activity of the trigeminal pain center - with amazing results.

Nerve cell activity in the trigeminal system affects migraine
The trigeminal system, which stretches across much of the face and head, acts as a kind of migraine motor, according to the scientists. Already days before the migraine attacks change here the activities of the nerve cells, whereby a relatively accurate prediction of the next attack will be possible, said May and colleagues. Researchers explored the relationship between trigeminal activity and the occurrence of migraine in 20 migraine and 20 headache-free patients. To do so, they either gave the subjects a taste of rose oil (stimulates the sense of smell) or ammonia (a pungent gas that stimulates the nerves of the trigeminal system in the brain) and observed the changes in brain activity with the help of MRI. The researchers found that migraine patients reacted differently to the ammonia than the healthy study participants. Overall, the nerve cells of the trigeminal system in the healthy volunteers were significantly more activated by the ammonia as in migraine patients whose last attack was at least 72 hours ago.

Migraine seizures can be accurately predicted on MRI
„This means that in migraine patients the pain stimulus is transmitted less well than in healthy people“, explained Arne May. In addition, according to the scientists, it was found that the nerve cell activity of migraine patients increased the closer they got to the next migraine attack. As soon as the pain started, the activity of the nerve cells of the trigeminal nerve spontaneously dropped again, the research team continued. The doctors were always able to use the MRI images „say exactly in which phase of the migraine cycle the patient is“, emphasized Study Director Arne May. So the next migraine attack had been exactly predictable. However, for most migraine sufferers, the current findings do not bring much improvement, including the experts' assessment. But the current study contributes as basic research to better understand the mechanisms of migraine, said the neurologist Arne May. However, for the correct prediction of migraine attacks in everyday life, the observation with the help of MRI rather unsuitable. Here are other methods that allow the determination of the time of the next attack even without technical aids.

Migraines: alternatives to early detection and treatment
Migraine attacks are already manifesting many days before in many patients due to symptoms such as lack of concentration, attacks of yawning and cravings, said the study director of the University Hospital Eppendorf. Because „The actual attack starts long before the headache starts“, emphasized Arne May. According to the experts, those affected only need to learn to become sensitive to the symptoms, and could do so in advance - for example „through muscle relaxation“ - reduce the extent of the actual migraine attack. Also from a naturopathic point of view, here are various treatment approaches to call, in each case in advance a therapist (alternative practitioner or doctor) should analyze in the context of amnesia, which causes the pain. In the subsequent, explicitly tailored to the cause of pain treatment, come in naturopathy so far methods such as the cleansing of the intestinal flora (intestinal dysbiosis), fasting, biofeedback, homeopathy, neural therapy, osteopathy, relaxation procedures, acupuncture or arm and Fußbädern partly with considerable success for use , (Sb)

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