Migrants are often disadvantaged in professional life

Migrants are often disadvantaged in professional life / Health News

Working people with foreign roots disadvantaged


Workers with foreign roots often feel disadvantaged in their jobs, according to the news channel's message „ntv“ citing the results of a survey by the purchasing consultancy Kloepfel Consulting. In the survey, the respondents not only calculated significantly worse career or job opportunities, but also reported multiple discriminations with which they are confronted in their daily work.

Just under one in three working people with foreign roots stated in the survey that due to their background, they expect discrimination in their working life. Half of this group reported discrimination in the workplace, with just under a tenth of those polled regularly and a tenth often facing them, according to the survey. In addition, 28 percent of respondents said they had rarely been discriminated against.

About 20 percent of migrants in the profession regularly or often discriminated
In total, Kloepfel Consulting reported that 1,026 people of foreign origin were interviewed in the period from May to July of this year about their professional experience and career opportunities. Among the interviewed employees, freelancers and entrepreneurs, a third of them were convinced that their career and job opportunities were significantly worse, the news channel reported „ntv“. Of the freelancers even 80 percent have indicated that they see themselves disadvantaged. Twelve percent of those faced with discrimination felt that this „not worth talking about“ be so „ntv“ continue. More detailed information on the participant selection, type of survey and thus the representativeness of the survey Kloepfel Consulting did not do.

Mass discrimination against migrants
The results of the current survey are in line with the statements of a representative study by the German Council of German Foundations for Integration and Migration (SVR), which was published more than a year ago. At that time, the Federal Anti - Discrimination Agency (ADS) in Berlin reported that 42 percent of people with a migrant background had negative experiences in the workplace, but also in the neighborhood, at the authorities, at school or in other areas of life, whereas only 24 percent of those with a migrant background People without a migration background apply. For those affected, this is often a significant burden, especially if they grew up in Germany, feel attached to the country and this fact is called into question. Discrimination in the labor market and in education had to be tackled consistently, according to the then conclusion of the head of the ADS, Christine Lüders, who added that offices and authorities should also be given further training in their competence in dealing with ethnic diversity. (Fp)

Image: Dieter Schütz