Michigan is fully legalized as the ninth US state of cannabis

Michigan is fully legalized as the ninth US state of cannabis / Health News

Legalization of cannabis as a stimulant

Yesterday, not only the eagerly awaited Midterms elections took place in the US. In parallel with the congressional elections, the US states of Michigan and North Dakota voted on the legalization of cannabis as a stimulant and Utah and Missouri on the legal use of cannabis as a medicine.

Marijuana is used not only as an intoxicant but also for medical purposes. The Federal Drug Commissioner is in this country against a complete legalization of cannabis. (Image: agephotography / fotolia.com)

Only the legalization in North Dakota failed. The other three initiatives were adopted by referendum by voters. Michigan is the ninth US state to fully regulate cannabis, also as a stimulant, and to introduce adult specialty stores. 56% of the electorate of the 10-million-inhabitant state have approved the corresponding "Proposal 1".

With Utah and Missouri, since yesterday, 33 out of a total of 50 US states have cleared the way for the use of medical cannabis. In Utah, 53.2% voted for "Proposition 2," while nearly two-thirds of Missouri voters voted for "Amendment 2.".

DHV Managing Director Georg Wurth expects increasing momentum in North America: "In the coming months and years more US states will legalize cannabis. Now that cannabis has been legalized by referendum in many US states, majorities in parliaments are now expected. New Jersey could follow this year. "