Michael Douglas became ill with cancer through oral sex

Michael Douglas became ill with cancer through oral sex / Health News

Michael Douglas became ill with tongue cancer through oral sex


In an interview with a British newspaper explains actor Michael Douglas, his cancer survived can be attributed to oral sex. „Without being too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV (human papillomaviruses) that originate from cunnilingus“, told the 68-year-old. Douglas was originally of the opinion that the stress due to the imprisonment of his son was responsible for the disease. „But yes, it is a sexually transmitted disease that caused the tongue cancer.“

The actor's tumor was not recognized by doctors for a long time, despite regular examinations. First, they treated his symptoms with antibiotics. A friendly doctor from Montreal finally recognized the walnut-sized tumor in the pharynx. „I will never forget his expression“, said Douglas. An eight-week treatment including chemotherapy healed the actor about two years ago. Every six weeks he has to undergo medical examination. But Douglas is confident: „This type of cancer does not recur in 95% of cases“.

Oral sex is more common cause of oropharyngeal cancer
Originally, smoking and alcohol were considered the main cause of tumors in the head and neck area. Meanwhile, studies show that most of the tumors that occur in the mouth have human papillomaviruses. Professor Jens Klußmann, Director of the University Hospital Giessen, stated at the annual convention for Otolaryngology last year: „These viruses are likely to trigger every second oropharyngeal cancer and every fourth tumor of the oral cavity.“ A special role is played here by the virus type 16.

With more than 18,000 people affected each year, head and neck cancers are the fourth most common cancer in men. However, how many tumors in the mouth are caused by human papillomaviruses is unclear. US studies found values ​​around 60 percent, Scandinavian studies reach 90 percent. „In Germany, the rates are currently around 30 percent“, so Klufmann. Norwegian scientists expect an annual four to five percent. Uncertainty still prevails over the exact causes of infection.

HPV disorders are not uncommon
There are now more than 100 types of HP virus commonly found in skin and mucosal cells. The transmission takes place through unprotected sexual intercourse, more rarely also through shared towels or drinking glasses. Often the infection remains unnoticed by those affected. Around 40 HPV types are located in the genitals and the anus, they are therefore also as „genital HPV types“ designated.

Around 75 percent of all people become infected with HPV at least once in their lives. Usually, however, your own immune system cope with the disease. The viruses are therefore not permanently detectable. A renewed infection is possible at any time. In the genital area, HP viruses either lead to genital warts, which are comparatively harmless. But there are also progressive tissue changes that can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Vaccine is designed to protect young girls from HPV viruses
It is known that HP viruses cause cervical cancer. In addition, scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg have identified one. An investigation revealed that skin cells from animals through „beta-papillomavirus susceptible to harmful UV radiation“ become. They are therefore directly involved in the development of cancer.

In order to protect young girls from the consequences of the infection before they can even get infected, recommends the Vaccination Commission of the Robert Koch Institute at the age of twelve to 17 years, a vaccine against the high-risk types. However, it is still unclear whether boys also benefit from the vaccine. Therefore, there is no universal vaccination recommendation for you. (Lb)