Vaginal tightening options

Vaginal tightening options / Health News

Minimally invasive laser or radiofrequency beauty treatments are designed to quickly and easily rejuvenate intimate aesthetics, enhance sexual performance and help with incontinence. But do these vaginal rejuvenation methods really do what they promise? Let's ask a doctor!


  • New methods with radio frequency and laser technology
  • Surgery under general anesthesia
  • hyaluronic acid

According to the senior physician of the Bodenseeklinik, Jens Altmann, for many it is still a big step to turn to experts for problems in the genital area. It is a kind of taboo topic. But there are several reasons why women come to his office with the desire for a vaginal rejuvenation.

Women are becoming increasingly critical of their private parts. (Image: SENTELLO /

For patients who want to change their vulva purely from an aesthetic point of view, this is often associated with the trend to complete intimate shaving. As a result, enlarged inner labia would be more obvious and this many feel disturbing, explains the physician.

During an operation, the inner labia are reduced in size so that they are flush with the outer labia and the entire genital area looks visually rejuvenated.

Another part of the patients is concerned with the healing of health problems. Due to the age, strong weight fluctuations and births often show tissue weaknesses in the genital area. A widened vaginal opening or labia majora could not only lead to those affected feel unwell, but it could also lead to stress or stress incontinence and sexual disorders.

New methods with radio frequency and laser technology

While previously only one surgery for vaginal rejuvenation was eligible, use modern techniques on radiofrequency and laser technology to regenerate different tissue areas of the vagina, explains the expert. Radiofrequency treatment involves tissue warming of the deep tissue layers by the specific wavelengths of the radio frequency. The effect of heat causes a desired formation of edema in the treated tissue area. This is associated with specific inflammatory processes that are transformed into repair processes.

The principle of vaginal rejuvenation by laser works in a similar way. The laser produces minimal injuries, stimulating the tissue to heal, firm and build new mucous membranes. The virtually painless treatments can be performed on an outpatient basis and usually even without anesthesia.

However, the US Department of Health's (FDA) Central Health Authority is currently warning against the use of energy-based treatments, as it can lead to difficult complications such as vaginal burns or scars, painful sexual activity, and chronic pain.

Surgery under general anesthesia

Depending on the severity, different treatments are suitable for a vaginal tightening. If the vaginal opening is significantly widened, a vagina plastic is recommended. The anterior vaginal vault is surgically tightened under general anesthesia. In some cases, this is also necessary for the posterior vaginal tissue, namely, when the intestine bulges too much into the vagina. Both treatments inevitably lead to a narrowing of the vagina.

The surgery usually lasts no more than half an hour, said the surgeon. Since only a minimal suture is done, the patient could leave the clinic the very next day and the wound healed after eight days. The cost of treatment, according to the expert amounts to about 2000 euros.

hyaluronic acid

If there is only a moderate dilation of the vagina, according to Altmann there is also the possibility of a narrowing by a relining of the vaginal canal with hyaluronic acid. This procedure was particularly gentle, left no scars and could be performed with local anesthesia in outpatient treatment. It should be noted that the hyaluronic acid is absorbed over time and after 8 to 16 months, a re-injection is required to maintain the narrowing effect.

Affected women should first seek detailed advice from the treating gynecologist on the surgical and non-surgical treatment methods, especially with regard to possible risks and complications. In addition, further studies have yet to show to what extent the laser or radiofrequency treatment options are actually suitable for use in vaginal tissue relaxation. (FS)