Messies with mess in the apartment and in the head

Messies with mess in the apartment and in the head / Health News

Tidying up does not help people with Messie syndrome against the chaos in their heads


Dwellings of patients with Messie syndrome often sink into chaos. But the chaos prevails not only in their environment, but also inside the patients. It is therefore not enough to clean up the apartment, because the basic mental health problems persist, according to the news agency „dpa“ citing the Professional Association of German Psychiatrists (BVDP).

Messies often show extreme appreciation for items that society ignores or disposes of as waste. People with Messie syndrome hoard these items in their homes, causing the latter to sink increasingly into chaos. Dumping and tidying up is usually the first thought of relatives, friends, or acquaintances when they ever look into the messy's living quarters. But that hardly helps those affected because their mental health problems persist.

Consider the background of the Messie syndrome
In order to help the Messies, the psychological background of the symptoms must be urgently taken into account, reports Christa Roth-Sackenheim from the BVDP in the press release of the „dpa“. For example, those affected have problems with their minds continually circling around the simplest everyday work. Even in important situations, their ability to act is severely restricted. The making of decisions is often extremely difficult for the Messies, not least because the evaluation of decision criteria causes them considerable problems. Social obligations are often increasingly neglected by those affected.

Clearing out and tidying up messies no help
As a rule, supportive offers from the social environment of the Messies are mainly aimed at helping clearing out and tidying up, but according to the BVDP expert, this can even be counterproductive in the worst case scenario. Because the cleanup work can lead to a serious psychological crisis, because for them with the throwing loss of control is accompanied and they also fear losing what they associate with the objects, the reports „dpa“ citing Christa Roth-Sackenheim.

Psychotherapy against the Messie syndrome
To overcome the Messie syndrome, according to the expert, a psychotherapy is advised, in which also possible causes of the mental disorder are determined. Under the guidance of the therapist, it is also a matter of supporting those concerned in better organization and strengthening their ability to prioritize and make decisions, according to Roth-Sackenheim in the contribution of „dpa“. The National Association of Messies in Northern Germany (Melano) emphasizes in terms of the treatment of the Messie syndrome, that the reduction of stress and anxiety is also a help here. As examples of applicable methods, the association includes Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, Meditation, and Tai Chi, among others. (Fp)

> Picture: Volker Innig